>From: "vivian Hutchinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "The Jobs Research Website" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 16:30:40 +1200
>X-Distribution: Bulk
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Subject: The Jobs Research Website Update June 1999
>Reply-to: "The Jobs Research Website" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Priority: normal
>N E W  N E W  N E W  N E W  N E W  N E W
>on T H E   J O B S   R E S E A R C H   W E B S I T E
>July 1999
>a New Zealand - based internet resource
>for employment action ...
>          http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/
>Hi, we've updated our website, and you might like to check out
>our latest work!
>Take a look at these recent Jobs Letter features now freely
>available on the Jobs Research Website ...
>* The Big Shift ---Canadian author Bruce O'Hara calls for a shorter
>working week and a two shift workplace and outlines the advantages
>for the workforce, for businesses, for taxation and for domestic
>        http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl09110.htm
>* More Work for the Higher Paid --
>A Statistics NZ survey shows that higher paid New Zealanders are
>working longer hours just like their overseas counterparts.
>          http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl09210.htm
>*  Toronto Dollars
>by The Jobs Letter editors. Toronto launches a local currency to
>help fund community projects that create work for those who are on
>low incomes, unemployed and homeless.
>          http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl09310.htm
>*    Australian Jobless Trends -- A report from the Australian Bureau
>of Statistics on the state of umemployment. How many Australians
>are out of work, and for how long ?
>          http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl08910.htm
>*  Oz Jobless Outcomes -- Ross Gittens of the Sydney Morning
>Herald looks at how the new "outcomes"--driven employment
>strategy, "Jobs Network" is working and finds some un-looked for
>          http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl09410.htm
>1. Internet Hot-Links recommended by our Editors
>     http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/hot/hotlinks.htm
>2. Statistics That Matter homepage
>     http://www.jobsletter.org.nz /stt/stathome.htm
>3. Co-operation, Collaberation and Co-ordination -- the challenges
>of working together on unemployment and poverty by Vivian
>     http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/vivian/ccc99.htm
>4. Local Employment Co-ordination — What Can a Regional
>Commissioner Do? by Jan Francis and Vivian Hutchinson
>    http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/art/lec99.htm
>5.  A Rifkin Reader
>    http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/art/rifkin01.htm
>6.  James K. Galbraith and Global Keynesianism
>     http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/art/artg0002.htm
>7. Strategic Questioning by Fran Peavey and Vivian Hutchinson
>     http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/vivian/stratq97.htm
>8. Vivian Hutchinson on the 1998 Anglican Hikoi for Hope
>     http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/vivian/hikoi98.htm
>9. Ian Ritchie on Universal Basic Income
>     http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/art/ian002.htm
>10. Garth Nowland-Foreman on Government and the Civil Society
>    http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/art/artn0001.htm
>May 1999
>Unique Visitors during the month  3,743
>Homepage Hits during the month    1,867
>Total Webpage Hits overall  57,703
>[Source -- OpenWebScope Website Statistics]
>If you want to be kept informed of developments and updates to
>the Jobs Research Website, we will be sending out an email
>newsletter every 4-6 weeks with new links to information and
>features. We will also include pointers to other material on the
>internet which we have found relevant to our own research and
>projects in the employment field in New Zealand.
>You can register for these free announcements by visiting the
>registration page on our website at
>          http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/register.htm
>While the Jobs Research Website will be freely available to all
>internet users, we do not place the most recent (3-4 months)
>copies of the Jobs Letter on the archive. These will continue to
>be available only to subscribers, and to preserve our income base
>the Jobs Letter -- subscriptions pay our bills.
>(annual, for 22 letters ... prices include GST)
>(a) posted, paper edition (4-6 pages) $79
>this sub also includes a free email edition on request
>(b) emailed MS-Word edition $66
>formatted for onscreen reading or printing,
>with hypertext links
>(c)    emailed edition, raw text only  $55
>bulk rates for all editions are available, contact
>The internet is one big copying machine, but it is our
>subscribers who enable us to provide the services of this
>not-for-profit community-based Trust.
>All the work on the Jobs Research Website has been done by
>voluntary supporters of the Jobs Research Trust.  We are always
>on the look out for skilled assistance in this new media. If you
>are web-handy, and interested in the aims of our Trust, then do
>get in touch : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To unsubscribe to this Jobs Research Website update letter:
>Just send us an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
>"unsubscribe website updates"
>in the subject line. Thanks.
>The Jobs Research Website
>is a project of
>Jobs Research Trust, P.O.Box 428,
>New Plymouth, New Zealand
>phone 06-753-4434 fax 06-759-4648
>Kia taea ai te tangata te whiwhi mahi
>ahakoa ki whea, ahakoa ko wai.
>Our objective is that every New Zealander will have the
>opportunity to be in paid work.
>The Jobs Letter
>essential information on an essential issue
>phone 06-753-4434 fax 06-759-4648
>P.O.Box 428
>New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand
>visit The Jobs Research Website at

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