>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 14:26:49 -0700
>From: "David I. Hay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Margrete Strand-Rangnes
>Sent: October 19, 1999 2:22 PM
>To: Multiple recipients of list MAI-NOT
>ANNOUNCING: "Whose Trade Organization? Corporate Globalization and the
>Erosion of Democracy"
>Foreword by Ralph Nader
>By Lori Wallach and Michelle Sforza, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
>Imagine a Central American country being forced to choose between
>maintaining the UNICEF baby formula policy  that has saved thousands of
>children's lives or facing an expensive defense in a Swiss trade tribunal
>and then possible trade sanctions for not protecting the trademark rights
>of a corporation whose label violates the UNICEF code.
>Imagine a powerful corporation "renting" a WTO Member nation to pursue its
>special interests - and kill a trade- based development policy - behind
>closed doors in Geneva to the detriment of tens of thousands of peoples'
>livelihoods and the rented country's own economic and security interests.
>Imagine, ten years of environmental activism reversed with the sweep of a
>pen in Geneva, Switzerland, where a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel has
>ruled that a law protecting endangered sea turtles poses an illegal barrier
>to trade and several countries are now threatening new challenges against a
>country's enforcement of international environmental treaties - this time
>the Kyoto Treaty on climate change.
>Imagine, a clean air regulation designed to reduce gasoline emissions is
>weakened because the WTO claims it could inadvertently hurt foreign gas
>Imagine,  consumers forced by the WTO to choose between rescinding a
>popular food safety law or facing economic sanctions.
>No need to imagine. These are but a handful of examples of the WTO's
>real-life impacts on food safety, environmental conservation and protection
>and economic development documented in WHOSE TRADE ORGANIZATION?.
>After a year of intensive research, Harvard educated trade lawyer and Global
>Trade Watch Director Lori Wallach and  Global Trade Watch Research Director
>and trade policy analyst Michelle Sforza document the WTO's actual impact
>on democratic governance, wages, jobs, economic growth, food security,
>access to healthcare, food safety, labor rights and environmental
>protection. With WHOSE TRADE ORGANIZATION, citizens, policymakers and public
>interest advocates can learn the following:
>o How the WTO is used to pressure poor countries to abandon their
>  efforts to make desperately needed medications more affordable through
>  generic drugs and other policies. See page 119.
>o How the WTO is being used to attack a European proposal to cut
>  electronics pollution. See page 30.
>o How WTO rules may threaten U.S. school lunch and food stamp programs.
>  See page 164
>o How WTO rules threaten millions with starvation by allowing
>  agribusiness companies to patent seeds created over generations in
>  villages around the world and then charge annual fees for the
>  subsistence farmers who developed the seeds to have the right to
>  plant them again.
>o How an individual with a monetary interest in  a WTO case was
>  appointed to judge the case. See page 201.
>o How Daimler-Chrysler and Ford Motor Company are using  WTO threats to
>  undermine a  Japanese clean air law adopted under the Kyoto Protocol on
>  Climate Change. See page 31.
>o Why beleaguered U.S. steel workers may face a WTO challenge to
>  loan guarantees for the ailing U.S. steel industry. See page 157.
>o How WTO rules allow corporations to secure exclusive marketing rights
>  over medicinal remedies that have been used by indigenous groups for
>  centuries. See page 108.
>o How the threat of WTO action was used to pressure Guatemala to drop its
>  infant health law enacting the WHO/UNICEF Code on Marketing Breastmilk
>  Substitutes. See page 115.
>o How a major campaign contributor effectively rented the U.S. government
>  to mount a successful WTO challenge to Europe's preferences for Caribbean
>  bananas, even though the U.S. doesn't export a single banana. See page 141
>WHOSE TRADE ORGANIZATION translates the WTO's jargony trade rules into
>understandable prose for the layperson, policymaker and academic alike. It
>is designed with the knowledge that  WTO rules and rulings affect everyone
>-- not just importers and trade lawyers -- and therefore must be accessible
>to everyone, especially everyday citizens who want to resist WTO
>encroachment into the decisions that affect their day-to-day lives.
>WHOSE TRADE ORGANIZATION is being released in advance of the WTO's November
>29-December 3, 1999 Ministerial Summit in Seattle so that those who will
>live with the results taken at that historic meeting are informed about the
>potential consequences. The book  makes the case -- bolstered by over 1,200
>citations from a vast range of sources -- for the review and repair of the
>WTO so that it can no longer threaten the public safeguards and
>corporate/governmental accountability standards that citizens have fought so
>hard for. While the Clinton Administration is seeking expansion of the WTO's
>jurisdiction through a new "round" of negotiations, Public Citizen is united
>with civil society groups worldwide calling for the organization's sweeping
>powers to be reined in, to put the tools of domestic policy decision making
>back into the hands of citizens and their elected representatives.
>"Whose Trade Organization" is available through
>Public Citizen
>Publications Department
>1600 20th Street, NW
>Washington DC, 20009
>Fill out the order form on Public Citizen's Web-page:
>Price: $18.50 (includes shipping and handling)
>Bulk Rate: 20 or More Copies 40% off.
>Orders must be pre-paid using a credit card or $U.S. money order made out to
>Public Citizen.
>Canada $ 4.52 , +  $15.00 book price  =  $ 19.52
> (includes shipping & handling)
>Mexico $ 9.66,  + $15.00 book price  =    $ 24.66
> (includes shipping & handling)
>All other countries  $15.00,  + $15.00 book price  =    $30.00
> (includes shipping & handling)
>Activist Group Public Citizen Joins Attack on WTO
>                  By John Burgess
>                  Washington Post Staff Writer
>                  Thursday, October 14, 1999; Page E01
>                  One of the country's best-known activist groups joined in
>the chorus of
>                  voices criticizing the World Trade Organization yesterday,
>suggesting the
>                  international agency has led the United States and other
>countries to
>                  weaken their environmental, health and safety laws.
>                  The attack, coming one day after the AFL-CIO called for
>more worker
>                  participation in global trade talks scheduled for next
>month in Seattle,
>                  promised to turn up the heat on business groups and the
>free-trade stance
>                  taken by the Clinton administration.
>                  "The WTO is the final authority," said Joan Claybrook,
>president of Public
>                  Citizen, a consumer watchdog group founded by Ralph Nader.
>"It can
>                  require nations to change their laws and standards to
>accommodate its
>                  decisions made in secret proceedings by trade
>officials--or else be subject
>                  to severe economic sanctions."
>                  Claybrook said sovereign nations are being robbed of the
>authority "to
>                  enact basic protections for their own populations."
>                  U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky denied
>Public Citizen's
>                  charges, included in a 229-page report. "The United States
>has not
>                  relaxed any environmental law or health or safety law in
>order to comply
>                  with any WTO ruling," she said in an interview.
>                  Where changes to laws have been made, Barshefsky said,
>they served
>                  only to equalize treatment of U.S. and foreign companies.
>                  Public Citizen argued that the United States has softened
>                  provisions of the Clean Air Act involving gasoline, while
>South Korea has
>                  lowered meat safety regulations and Australia loosened
>rules on the import
>                  of raw salmon.
>                  The criticisms come as delegates from WTO member countries
>prepare to
>                  meet in Seattle next month to try to chart a new round of
>global trade
>                  negotiations. The group has more than 130 member
>                  Business groups and the Clinton administration say the WTO
>brings "rule
>                  of law" to trade disputes. That liberalizes trade between
>nations, raising
>                  living standards, and has helped fuel an economic boom in
>the United
>                  States. But some environmentalist groups contend that the
>WTO has too
>                  much power and is hurting living standards in many
>                  Many of the decisions that Public Citizen cites concern
>one country
>                  bringing an action at the WTO against a trading partner's
>                  health or safety rules.
>                  These challenges often involve a country claiming the real
>function of such
>                  consumer laws is to block the import of goods from other
>countries. If a
>                  WTO tribunal concludes that these laws are administered to
>                  against foreign suppliers, or that they lack scientific
>basis, they can be
>                  declared to violate the laws of world trade.
>                  U.S. officials argue that each country in the WTO retains
>its sovereignty.
>                  Countries can legally ignore unfavorable decisions, and
>some do so.
>                  However, they may to sanctions or forced to pay
>compensation to trading
>                  partners.
>                  But critics see the WTO as replacing the lawmaking
>authority of individual
>                  nations.
>                  Smaller countries have no choice but to go along with WTO
>rulings or
>                  merely the threat of WTO action, Public Citizen contends,
>while large
>                  countries tend to follow the WTO's wishes.
>                  Nader called the WTO a "super-national autocratic system .
>. . that runs
>                  courts that would be illegal in this country" because
>their proceedings are
>                  closed to public scrutiny.
>                  While its rulings are published, the internal
>deliberations and presentations
>                  of the opposing parties are kept secret.
>                  The United States promises that at the Seattle talks it
>will push for more
>                  openness in WTO deliberations. In a speech last night to
>the Democratic
>                  Leadership Council, President Clinton said that the WTO
>had been seen
>                  as a "private priesthood for experts" and now must open up
>to hear the
>                  views of diverse parties.
>                  Barshefsky pointed out that the Seattle schedule includes
>a day in which
>                  "nongovernmental organizations" such as labor unions and
>                  groups will air their views.
>                  Among WTO decisions Public Citizen singled out for
>                  * A ruling that U.S. gasoline import rules discriminated
>against fuel made
>                  in Venezuela and Brazil. Public Citizen said the United
>States took steps in
>                  response that it had previously dismissed as unenforceable
>and costly.
>                  Barshefsky said the United States merely changed the ways
>in which
>                  foreign gasoline producers reported data about their
>                  * A finding that a European ban on the import of beef from
>                  hormone-treated animals was illegal. Europe has ignored
>the ruling and
>                  continues to contend that the ban is necessary to protect
>against potential
>                  health problems. The United States, which exports the
>meat, has argued
>                  that there is no scientific justification for a ban on the
>                  * A ruling that South Korea's requirement that meat could
>have only a
>                  30-day shelf life. Under the threat of WTO action, Korea
>raised that limit
>                  to 90 days, a change that foreign suppliers wanted.
>                               c 1999 The Washington Post Company
>On the Internet at http://www.tradewatch.org/publications/gtwpubs.htm
>In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
>without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
>included information for research and educational purposes.
>Margrete Strand Rangnes
>MAI Project Coordinator
>Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
>215 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
>Washington DC, 20003 USA
>202-547 7392 (fax)
>To subscribe to our MAI Listserv send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or
>subscribe directly by going to our website,
>www.tradewatch.org (Please indicate organizational affiliation if any, and
>also where you found out about this listserv)
>Search the MAI-NOT & MAI-INTL archives at http://lists.essential.org/
>   .............................................
>   Bob Olsen, Toronto      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   .............................................

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