---01 Apr, 1999---                                                    ISSN
Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR).
P.O. Box 263E, Earlville, QLD 4870, Australia.
This bulletin is for the use of IGFR members and GFB subscribers 
only and is not to be re-posted.
.       Kosovo in perspective
.       'Humanitarian intervention'
.       Kosovo background
.       Prevention
.       In defense of NATO
.       Balkans - where to from here ?
.       Cities that reduce resource use and waste
.       Avoiding the oil shock
.       Calendar
Professor Vojin Dimitrijevic of the Belgrade Centre for Human 
Rights argues that the massive NATO air strikes have given 
legitimacy to a state of emergency by an authoritarian regime and set 
back prospects for democracy in Yugoslavia [1], and that only a 
democratic transition provides the opportunity for stability and peace 
in the Balkans.

'The air strikes erased in one night the results of ten years of hard 
work of groups of courageous people in the non-governmental 
organizations and in the democratic opposition, who have not tried to 
'topple' anyone but to develop the institutions of civil society, to 
promote liberal and civic values, to teach non-violent conflict 
resolution.  The emerging democracy in Montenegro is in peril and 
will be hard to maintain now' says Dimitrijevic.

The total number of refugees is now over 850,000, or 40% of 
Kosovo's population, and continuing to grow.  More than 2,000 
people have died in Kosovo, at least 500 of those Serbian.

Of the 15 nations on the Security Council, three opposed the military 
intervention - Russia, China and Namibia.  Russia and China have 
veto power (along with the US, UK and France).  While it could be 
argued that air strikes were inappropriate, it is important to note that 
China has an interest in pushing for non-interference in sovereign 
matters, due to its own threat to integrity from breakaway movements 
in Tibet and Xinjiang.  Russia is a longterm ally of the Serbs, and 
was seeking to continue peace negotiations.  It could be argued that 
the NATO powers broke off negotiations after presenting Milosevic 
with an ultimatum they knew he would not accept.

Lewis MacKenzie [2] also suggests that the NATO action not only 
broke international law by lacking authorisation from the Security 
Council, but was also selective - otherwise NATO should also have 
intervened to protect the Kurds in Turkey, Tibetans in China, East 
Timorese in Indonesia, and Chechens in Russia, to name a few 
examples.  Until recently the Serbs allowed TV cameras in Kosovo.  
This would not be the case for anti-Kurd operations in Turkey (a 
NATO member).

MacKenzie suggests the Serbs are out to claim northern Kosovo 
where many monasteries and Serbia's heartland is, as well as mines 
and other natural resources, and be prepared to give up southern 
Kosovo which will possibly join Albania.

Samuel Huntington warns that in the eyes of much of the world, if 
not most, the US is 'becoming the rogue superpower,' considered 'the 
single greatest external threat to their societies.'  Realist 
'international relations theory,' he argues, predicts that coalitions 
may arise to counterbalance the rogue superpower [3].

Such a coalition could include Russia and China.

There is also evidence of some technical/military cooperation 
between Yugoslavia and Iraq, supported by Russia (eg ground-to-air 
defense systems).  However, Iraq has not made major provocations 
during the NATO raids on Yugoslavia, as some had originally 
expected, to test overstretched US military resources.

Michel Chossudovsky argues that the strategic interests of Germany 
and the US laid the groundwork for the disintegration of the Former 
Yugoslavia [4].

Radical economic reform as loan conditions of the IMF contributed to 
a massive increase in unemployment and economic contraction, 
which exacerbated social tensions and the ascendancy of nationalism, 
xenophobia and racism.  Democratic institutions in Bosnia-
Herzegovina act as a rubber stamp while the real power, under the 
Dayton Accords, lies in Washington, Bonn and Brussels [5].

However, one could argue that the deterioration of the Yugoslav 
economy had much to do with the disintegration of the Soviet empire 
(as in the case of Cuba).  While most of the republics of the former 
Yugoslavia have become heavily indebted, failure of international 
financial institutions to provide loans and foreign business to invest 
would also have drawn criticism in the eyes of many.  One criticism 
that could be made is that the wholesale dismantling of state 
enterprise was excessive, serving narrow IMF orthodoxy and the 
interests of transnational corporations.  A more gradual reform with 
greater economic concessions may have helped avoid much of the 
(costly and wasteful) trauma the region is now suffering [6].
[1] Dimitrijevic, Vojin   Belgrade Centre for Human Rights  26 Mar 
[2] MacKenzie, Lewis (retired major general who commanded UN 
troops during siege of Sarajevo, Bosnia civil war 1992) 'Wrong 
alliance punishing Serbs' The Vancouver Sun, 26 Mar 1999.
[3] Huntington, Samuel  Foreign Affairs  Mar 1999
[4] Chossudovsky, Michel  1996 
http://groundwork.ucsd.edu/bosnia.html, see also Gervasi, Sean  
'Germany, US and the Yugoslav Crisis', Covert Action Quarterly, 
No. 43, Winter 1992-93. p65
[5] Chossudowsky  op cit.
[6] The disintegration of the Cuban economy was also severe, yet 
without radical IMF economic reform.  Interestingly, economic 
collapse in Cuba did not lead to social instability and conflict, did not 
lead to an increase in the (current moderate) levels of political 
repression and human rights violations, but has led to some economic 
liberalisation.  On the otherhand, the risks of ethnic conflict in the 
Former Yugoslavia have been long known, unlike the more 
integrated Afro-Hispanic population of Cuba.
{2. peace and conflict resolution}
While NATO has broken international law by failing to get Security 
Council approval to launch an attack, NATO argues that it is merely 
following the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which allows 
for 'humanitarian intervention'.  But this right to intervene is based 
on the 'good faith' of the proposed intervenor, ie their record for 
respecting international law.  When Iran offered to mediate in 
Bosnia, the proposal was ignored.  Chomsky asks 'is the Iranian 
record of intervention and terror worse than that of the US?' [1]

The US record includes:
Colombia's 'drug war' (similar numbers of casualties, with refugees 
  amounting to approx one million).  US arms and training.
Turkey, the largest importer of US arms in 1994 coinciding with 
  most brutal Turkish offensive on Kurds.  One million refugees to 
  unofficial Kurd capital of Diyarbakir 1990-94.
Laos, Plain of Jars - every year perhaps two thousand people are 
  killed by 'bombies' [2], tiny anti-personnel weapons, far worse than 
  land-mines, dropped by the US during the Vietnam war.  'Hundreds 
  of millions' of these Honeywell devices are said to have been 
Iraq, 'a very hard choice', Madeleine Albright commented on 
  US TV in 1996 when asked for her reaction to the killing of 
  500,000 Iraqi children in 5 years, but 'we think the price is worth 
  it.'  Current estimates remain about 5,000 children killed a month, 
  and a total of 1m Iraqis who have died as a result of the sanctions.
El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Chile - US support (training and 
  arms etc) for military dictatorships and death squads.

Other comparisons to the 2000 killed in Kosovo which led to the 
NATO decision to strike [3]:
Algeria - 80,000 killed
Burma - gross human rights violations, genocide and ~500,000 killed 
  since 1948.
Ethiopia-Eritrea war of 1999 - ~10,000 killed
Sudan - 1.5m killed since 1984
Approximately 100,000 people die per day as a result of lack of what 
is regarded as a human right - access to safe water, and basic food, 
medicine, clothes and shelter.

The UN Charter drew from the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 which 
outlawed war.  Since then the case of 'humanitarian intervention' has 
been used to justify Japan's invasion of Manchuria, Mussolini's 
invasion of Ethiopia, and Hitler's occupation of parts of 

When Vietnam invaded Cambodia and put an end to the Pol Pot 
genocide, one of the few examples, according to Chomsky, where the 
plea of 'humanitarian intervention' was plausible since the UN 
Charter was drawn up, the US accused the Vietnamese of violating 
international law and backed a Chinese invasion followed by harsh 

France had called for a UN Security Council resolution to authorize 
deployment of NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo.  The US refused, 
insisting on 'its stand that NATO should be able to act independently 
of the United Nations,' State Department officials explained [4].

Leon Henkin also argues that there are strong pressures which are 
eroding the prohibition on the use of force.  While there are countless 
instances of human rights violations, the use of force as a solution 
would only further erode international law and could be used 'by 
almost any state on any other'.  He argues that human rights 
violations must be remedied by peaceful means [5].

Chomsky continues '..the right of 'humanitarian intervention' is 
likely to be more frequently invoked in coming years - maybe with 
justification, maybe not - now that Cold War pretexts have lost their 
efficacy.  In such an era, it may be worthwhile to pay attention to ... 
the World Court, which explicitly ruled on this matter in a decision 
rejected by the US, its essentials not even reported.' [6]
[1] Chomsky, Noam 'The Current Bombings' WILPF News, 28 Mar 
[2] estimates of deaths range form several hundred per year to 
10,000.  See Chomsky op cit
[3] Oberg, Jan  Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future 
Research (TFF). Press Release #60, 24 Mar 1999.
[4] Chomsky op cit
[5] Chomsky op cit
[6] Henkin, Leon quoted in Chomsky op cit.
{2. peace and conflict resolution; 33. global conventions and 
international law}
The Balkan Peninsula was occupied by the Turkish Ottoman empire 
for ~500 years, since the Battle of Kosovo in 1389.  Serbia became 
the first country to gain independence in 1878.  The boundaries of 
Serbia, Kosovo and other Balkan States have moved back and forth 
over the centuries.

Ethnic Albanians have been living in Kosovo for at least 600 years.  
Today they comprise 90% of the estimated 2m population in Kosovo.  
(Note - Editor unsure of how quickly Albanian/Muslim population 
grew in recent years.  Italy made Kosovo a part of 'Greater Albania' 
during WW2).

In March 1989, Milosevic revoked Kosovo's autonomous status and 
imposed martial law in the region.  This resurgence of Serb 
nationalism in turn gave rise to a non-violent protest movement 
including strikes, boycotts and alternative institutions, by Kosovars to 
recover their autonomy.  But with increasing Serb aggression, the 
non-violent protest movement gave way to the rise of the Kosovo 
Liberation Army (KLA), formerly seen by the West as a shady 
terrorist organisation.
{2. peace and conflict resolution; 11. ethnic relations and 
The deterioration of civil order could have been avoided by
- less traumatic economic reform than that imposed on the former 
Yugoslavia by the IMF starting in the late 1980s.
- the deployment of the full peace monitor contingent (2000 
personnel) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in 
Europe (OSCE) as promised but not realised in 1998.  This number 
could have been 5,000.  Eventually 1000 gradually arrived with 
insufficient equipment, training and financial support.
- applying a total arms embargo on Serbia and Kosovo
- providing adequate human and financial resources into peaceful 
resolution of the conflict as well as to strengthening democratic 
institutions (at a fraction of the cost of the military campaign).
- initiating a dialogue between the Serb and Albanian communities 
that live in Kosovo (rather than the KLA and Serbia)

The OSCE (54 members) has a budget ~0.1% that of NATO (19 

The military air strikes have already cost an estimated US$500m, and 
are likely to cost well over US$2b.  Damage inflicted may also cost a 
similar amount.  Then there are the costs associated with the loss of 
human life, of assistance and resettlement of refugees, loss of 
production etc.  If a fraction of this money had been invested in 
strengthening both the economy and democratic institutions to 
counter the rise of ultra-nationalism and xenophobia, we may well 
have been able to negotiate a certain autonomy for Kosovo and avoid 
the rise of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), the subsequent 
crackdown by Serb forces, and subsequent crackdown by NATO 

Jan Oberg asserts that '..in no other conflict has there been so many 
early warnings and so little preventive diplomacy.  Kosovo's 
catastrophe was among the most predictable of all.  It is intellectual 
nonsense that 'everything else has been tried and NATO bombings 
was the only option left.''

The United Nations is the most important humanitarian organisation 
although it has been largely ignored in negotiations to find a 
settlement.  Expenditure by the Pentagon is said to be 20 times that of 
the entire budget of the United Nations [1].

Kosovo refugees (mainly Muslim / ethnic Albanian) are now 
estimated at 850,000 (with another potential 1 million refugees).  
This must be added to the total refugee numbers in former 
Yugoslavia which include 650,000 Serb refugees who have fled from 
Croatia, Bosnia and elsewhere [2].
[1] Oberg, Jan  Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future 
Research (TFF). Press Release #60, 24 Mar 1999.
[2] Oberg op cit
{2. peace and conflict resolution}
Did the NATO powers stumble into this no-win situation ?  Did they 
misjudge the response of the Serb population ?

Was it important for NATO to demonstrate its raison d'etre after 50 
years in existence on 04 Apr 1999 (with the upcoming special NATO 
Summit on April 24), now that the Cold War (its original mandate) 
has finished ?  

Did NATO need to prove it is an important actor in the 'Charter for a 
Cooperative European Security for the 21 Century' now under 
consideration at the Security Forum of the Organisation for Security 
and Cooperation in Europe (Vienna) - to be finalised in Istanbul in 
Nov 1999 ?

Some arguments that could be made in defense of the US and NATO 

The US and/or NATO cannot rush to every cause.  It must pick its 
fights carefully, having been burnt in Somalia (and Vietnam).

The Kurdish problem is problematic partly because the Kurdish 
community is deeply divided (and because Turkey is strategically 
important and necessary to maintain as an ally for reasons that 
transcend the Kurdish fight for a homeland).

Conflict in Europe can have global implications, unlike, perhaps, the 
civil war in the Sudan or the violent repression in Burma.  Stability 
in the developed world is important as it is the keystone of world 
order.  The response of the NATO powers to the Bosnian crisis was 
ad hoc and largely mismanaged.  NATO commitment to resolving 
the Kosovo crisis can be seen as a spin-off of their commitment to 
Bosnia.  The air strikes campaign is an attempt to be more decisive.

The NATO powers could not have taken preventative action simply 
because the are countless potential arenas of conflict, and 
preventative action for all of these would be costly and set 
unworkable precedents.  In Europe alone one could identify potential 
conflicts between Greece and Turkey, Macedonia and Greece, in 
Cyprus, between UK and Spain over Gibraltar, racial tensions in 
Germany and France, tensions over fishing rights and agricultural 
subsidies, tensions in the Basque and Catalan regions of Spain etc.

There is evidence to suggest that NATO was not a reluctant actor, 
and that a number of media reports, including at least one 'massacre' 
which may have actually been KLA soldiers killed in combat and 
then repositioned to appear as a massacre, have been fabricated or 
sensationalised (again, compare this to media coverage of conflict 
elsewhere in the world.  Note: this is not to deny the many massacres 
and atrocities that have been committed in the region) [1].

Was the NATO ultimatum to Milosevic one that they knew he would 
have to reject ?  Could NATO have chosen to have engaged in war to 
- advance German and US economic interests in Yugoslavia ?
- demonstrate that NATO needs to continue to exist in order to 
defend peace and stability in the region.
- as an arms exposition to once again test and demonstrate the 
superiority of US (and to a lesser extent EU) weapons over Russian 
technology, and promote US arms exports.
- other ulterior motive
- prevent Serbia driving out the majority of Kosovar Albanians 
through a campaign of terror, (in order to secure sovereignty over 
Kosovo and a coastline for Serbia).

The views of NGOs may be said to have some influence in the UN 
and to a lesser extent the World Bank.  The WTO and IMF are also 
preparing themselves to deal with the lobby power of broad coalitions 
of NGOs (also known as GrassRoots Organisations, or 'GRO's).  
NATO, however, has thus far remained insulated from such contact.  
While the Gulf War, at least, had the endorsement of the UN Security 
Council, the Kosovo-Serbia bombardment does not.  It is possible that 
this NATO action will be widely regarded as a blunder in retrospect, 
and may mark the beginning of significant civil society interest and 
pressure on the future policy and actions of NATO.
[1] North, Don  'Irony at Racak: Tainted U.S. Diplomat Condemns 
Massacre'  http://www.consortiumnews.com/.  The probable 
fabrication of the Racak massacre was covered in Le Figaro and other 
German and French press.
{2. peace and conflict resolution}
Eugene Carroll argues that Russia should now be invited to be a 
mediator in new peace talks following a UN Security Council call for 
a cease-fire [1].

There could be a return to the plan of providing OSCE monitors to 
oversee repatriation of refugees, but without NATO groundtroops in 

Perhaps some of the northern area of Kosovo could become part of 
Serbia while the rest could become an independent country after a 
period of transition.
[1] Carroll, Eugene  Center for Defense Information, The Progressive 
Response  2 Apr 1999   Vol. 3, No. 12
{2. peace and conflict resolution}
Peter Newman [1]

On Ted Trainer's anti-growth arguments, GFB #80 [2] I can only say 
that he is right about the world's need to change massively from its 
present consumption patterns, but he is wrong if he thinks this is 
possible without a change in the economy, technology and social 
patterns of settlements, all of which can mean 'growth' or 'progress'.  

'Growth' and 'progress' are very human words.  That they can occur 
and not be associated with increased resource use or greater 
environmental impact, is the nature of sustainable development.  My 
area is to see what this means for settlements and thus our new book 
'Sustainability and Cities' [3] tries to outline how we can design 
cities that reduce their resource use and wastes but increase their 
livability.  We show that there are differences in energy use by a 
factor of 10 or more if you look at density and transit seriously (and 
the denser, more transit-oriented cities are economically more 
efficient as well).

Another matter we look at is the innovations that are occurring in 
urban ecology (the kinds of local community-scale efforts in 
recycling, energy efficiency, permaculture etc which Ted is keen to 
promote).  We found in our global survey that the majority of these 
efforts that are working are based around community commitments 
rather than just technical fixes.  Further, the majority of these are in 
inner areas where communities exist due to the structure of the urban 
form.  So many of the projects in low density outer suburbs are just 
projects on paper, and because the urban form makes face-to-face 
community so difficult, they rarely get started.

Our fundamental hypothesis is that unless a city is overcoming 
automobile dependence, then it is not being serious about 
sustainability.  In the US I found there was a lot of talk about 'smart 
growth' and this tended to equate with what I was saying about 
sustainability.  I prefer 'sustainability' as it is a more global word that 
has come out of the politics of what development should and should 
not mean.  I think it is a pity Ted cannot see that it is a first step in 
the long haul towards largescale global change; we can never make 
such a change overnight just through lifestyle change.  Our cities are 
a microcosm of the changes that are needed and are a better place to 
start than trying to overhaul the global economic system.

The other key comment was from John McLaughlin about the IT side 
of cities GFB#80 [4].  Again this is a major part of our book and we 
do present quite a lot of data.  The data can, however, only be 
suggestive of my hypothesis that IT is bringing our cities back in 
rather than dispersing them.  The response that IT can mean 
dispersal is usually from those who have chosen this lifestyle and has 
mostly been an American phenomenon.  I can understand why people 
have taken flight from US inner cities due to the crime and lack of 
options for schooling.  However this process has not really happened 
in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada or in Third World cities.  
The social problems of the inner city were not allowed to develop as 
they did in the US and now the process of reurbanisation is such that 
the wealthy now live in central and inner areas and the poor are 
increasingly on the urban fringe.  Detailed data on Australian cities 
shows that the wealthy in the inner areas are part of the IT global 
economy, the 'symbolic analysts', those who work in 'producer 
services'.  In our book I suggest this may be due to the way these 
areas were designed for face-to-face contact which is needed still in 
critical phases of any project development.
We also speculate that the reurbanisation process would happen in 
US cities as soon as the inner area problems are solved.  This is now 
happening very rapidly as outlined by Gratz in her new book 'Cities 
Back From the Edge'.  It still has a way to go to catch up to other 
global cities but I see no reason why it will not continue to grow; this 
is a process I am happy to say is 'growth' even though it means 
reductions in energy use.  It is also good for the economy and good 
for communities so I am happy to say it is a more sustainable kind of 
development, or in the US it is 'smart growth'!
[1] Professor Peter Newman is Director of the Institute for Science 
and Technology Policy, Murdoch University, Australia. 
[2] Trainer, Ted   'Smart growth'  Global Futures Bulletin #80, 15 
Mar 1999.
[3] 'Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence'  
Peter Newman and Jeffrey Kenworthy   (Nov 1998).  Available from 
the Institute for Global Futures Research: e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
for prices and publication request form.
[4] McLaughlin, John   'Impact of the Net on urban 
planning/transport' Global Futures Bulletin #80, 15 Mar 1999.
{18. urban development; 32. cyberspace revolution; 40. community 
Thomas J Stubbing [1]

According to projections of peaking oil production, the gap between 
oil supply and demand will give rise to serious trouble around 2012 
[2].  We must prepare now to avoid shocks in the coming decades.

'The solar energy reaching the earth each day is more than the total 
energy value of crude oil reserves, past, present and future.  Biomass 
in the form of plants and trees captures a large amount of this energy 
through the photosynthetic process and stores it as chemical bonds 
between the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up the 
carbohydrate plant material.  In effect, biomass is solar energy stored 
in a chemical form.' [3]

Because biomass has a high moisture content, it needs to be dried to 
enhance its usefulness as a renewable fuel which is where energy-
efficient airless, i.e. superheated steam drying technology can assist 
its exploitation.

It has been estimated that if 20-30% of Europe's pasture were 
devoted to biomass (eg fast-growing trees such as willow or poplar), 
it would be able to produce enough bioenergy and biochemicals to 
provide all that Europe currently consumes in fossil fuels.  Given that 
much agricultural land has been taken out of production in Europe 
(subsidy for 15% set aside in EU ?) and North America, to avoid 
over-production of agricultural products (and is increasing, at least in 
the US), it would seem worthwhile turning it over to biomass energy 

Energy from strong sunlight in the tropics is equivalent to 2,000 dry 
tonnes of biomass/ha/an.  In theory 10% of this can be captured 
through photosynthesis.  In practice, fast-growing eucalypts can 
produce 1% (ie 20 tonnes/ha/an) while bamboo could produce up to 
4% (80 tonnes/ha/an). [4]

Airless Drying Technology [4]
Drying processes account for ~20% of industrial energy consumption, 
or ~7.2% of total energy consumption [5] .  Airless Drying 
Technology can reduce this by 50%, ie a saving of 3.6% of total 
energy consumption which is more than all current hydropower 
(~2.4%), and similarly reduce the energy requirement for drying 

Airless Drying Technology avoids the energy-wasteful heating of an 
air through-flow typical of current drying processes and enables 
much of the thus reduced energy input to be re-used, for example for 
process water heating.
[1] Thomas Stubbing, Heat-Win Ltd, promoting Airless Drying 
[2] Peak oil production: 1998 - Campbell, 2005 - Duncan  Global 
Futures Bulletin #55/#56 'More on Assessing Impending Oil Shock'; 
2005-2015 - Mackenzie  Global Futures Bulletin #49 'Energy 
Perspectives' 01 Dec 1997.
[3] Scott, Kenneth 'Convertech  -  An Economic Approach to 
Biomass' Convertech Group, New Zealand 
[4] Fielden, Derrick (Commonwealth Development Corporation) 
'Renewable Energy World'  Mar 1999
[5] <http://www.dryers-airless.mcmail.com>
[6] Industry consumes ~36% of all coal, oil, gas and electricity 
combined, worldwide,  (based on IEA figures at 
{4. energy}

22 April 1999  Earth Day

24 April 1999  NATO Summit in Washington DC.  Created in 1949, 
NATO turns 50 in 1999.

24 April 1999 various actions by peace activists at NATO nuclear 
bases in Europe and at NATO Summit in Washington.

27-28 April 1999 Conference 'From the MAI to the Millennium 
Round: Setting a Different Agenda for Frameworks on Investment 
and Trade' European Parliament.  Public welcome.
Registration: Gaby Kuppers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

7-8 May 1999, 'Congress on the MAI', Basel, Switzerland 

10-16 May 1999  Hague Appeal for Peace, International Peace 
Conference, The Hague, Holland.
Web: www.haguepeace.org; E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

15-30 May 1999 Peace March 2000 for Nuclear Disarmament, from 
The Hague to Brussels    http://www.motherearth.org/

22 May - 22 June InterContinental Caravan (ICC) organised by 
Peoples' Global Action with up to 400 people from India plus 100 
representatives from movements from other countries
e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://stad.dsl.nl/~caravan/

23 May - 02 June    Bicycle caravan 'Money or Life' from 
Berlin/Dresden via Hannover (World Exposition 2000) to Cologne, 
and from Geneva via Basle to Cologne

29 May 1999 European Marches against Unemployment, Exclusion 
and Racism, Cologne    e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

29 May - 02 June 1999 EU Alternative Summit - alternative 
economic and employment policy, education, women, environment, 
anti-nuclear movement, etc.

3-4 June 1999 EU Summit Cologne

3-6 June 1999 International Women's Camp, Cologne

18 June 1999 International Action Day 
discussion list: e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

18-20 June 1999  G7 Summit, Cologne

19 June 1999 G7 Summit protest and Human Chain to cancel debt of 
the poorest countries.  E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Global Futures Bulletin is produced by the Institute for Global 
Futures Research (IGFR) twice monthly.  Readers are welcome to 
submit material such as succinct letters, articles and other useful 
information.  Indicate whether you would like your name attached to 
the submitted material.  All communications should be directed to the 
Editor, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Copyright (c) 1998 Institute for 
Global Futures Research (IGFR).  All rights reserved.
........................PUBLICATIONS OF THE MONTH..........................
'Millennium - Rendezvous with the Future'  (1998)  166 pages
Eds. Carlos Hernandez and Rashmi Mayur

Includes essays by Alvin Toffler on the psychology of the future, 
Lester R. Brown on the urgent global need to raise grain yields, 
Maurice F. Strong on the passage from Rio, and Hazel Henderson on 
social capital and economic development.

AUD$29 inc post, US$14 inc post, UKPnd 10 inc post.
Add US$3 for post for orders outside Australia, US/Canada or UK.
'The Global Commons: an Introduction'  (1998)
Susan J Buck
240 pages tables, figures, glossary, index.

Vast areas of valuable resources unfettered by legal rights have, for 
centuries, been the central target of human exploitation and 
appropriation.  The global commons:
- Antarctica, 
- the high seas and deep seabed minerals, 
- the atmosphere, and 
- space 
...have remained exceptions only because access has been difficult or 
impossible, and the technology for successful extraction has been 
lacking.  New technologies that facilitate access means that 
management regimes are needed to guide human use of these 
important resource domains.

Includes historical underpinnings of international law, examines the 
stakeholders involved, and discusses current policy and problems 
associated with it.  Applies key analytical concepts drawn from 
institutional analysis and regime theory to examine how legal and 
political concerns have affected the evolution of management regimes 
for the global commons.  Includes in-depth case studies of each of the 
four regimes.

AUD$55 inc post, US$29 inc post, UKPnd 23 inc post.
Add US$3 for post for orders outside Australia, US/Canada or UK.
'Earth Summit II: Outcomes and Analysis' (1998) 192 pages  
Derek Osborn and Tom Bigg

Foreword by Tony Blair.

In June 1997, heads of government and senior representatives from 
over 130 countries met in New York to consider what progress had 
been made since the first Earth Summit in 1992, and to decide upon 
priorities for the future.  The book presents the principal official 
documents agreed at the Summit alongside an authoritative analysis 
of where progress is and is not being made, the reasons for this, and 
the priorities of the parties involved.

Proposes a number of original ideas on how to ensure effective 
preparations for the 10-year review that will take place in 2002, 
seeing that the 5-year review in 1997 had little impact.

Derek Osborn is Chair of the United Nations Environment and 
Development UK Committee, Chair of the European Environmental 
Agency and a member of the board of the UK Environmental 
Agency.  He co-chaired the 1997 Commission for Sustainable 
Development (CSD) Intersessional Meeting preparing for Earth 
Summit II.  

Tom Bigg has worked for UNED-UK since its creation in 1993, 
focusing particularly on the work of the CSD.

AUD$49 inc post, US$33 inc post, UKPnd 19 inc post.
Add US$3 for post for orders outside Australia, US/Canada or UK.
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