M$ excludes non-customers from voting...

> http://www.theregister.co.uk/991111-000014.html
> Posted 11/11/99 2:34pm by Graham Lea
> MSNBC blunders over poll position
> Polls conducted on the Internet are prone to being invaded by
> afficionados who wish their view to prevail. There are, of course, other
> ways to give an incorrect picture of sentiment, such as miscounting the
> voting, or -- as has just happened -- having a bug that does not allow
> certain categories of voters to express a view.
> As pointed out by Joeri Sebrechts ("How about that MSNBC?" in The
> Register Bulletin Board), an MSNBC poll after Judge Jackson's findings
> strangely did not allow Netscape Navigator users to vote.  Nobody
> expects MSNBC to be particularly anti-Microsoft, but the service was
> badly caught out when it asked whether readers agreed that Microsoft had
> monopoly power and that consumers have been harmed, and what should
> happen. As is so often the case, the form of the questions was
> technically flawed, but that was not the major problem (only one remedy
> could be suggested, for example).
> Netscape users found they could not vote because the voting buttons,
> which appeared fleetingly, did not render properly. Debate centred
> around whether this was deliberate, since denying voting to Netscape
> users would most likely bias the result towards Microsoft, or whether it
> was just incompetent. It was soon flushed out that the problem was with
> Netscape's buggy way of dealing with cascading style sheets. The Opera
> browser (which is as near standard as you can get in a browser) did
> render the questionnaire correctly, as did Mozilla M10 but not KDF. This
> begs the question as to whether MSNBC knew that Netscape had a problem
> in this area, which was exploited, or again, was just technically
> incompetent. It was noteworthy that the site proclaims that it is
> "optimised for IE and Windows Media Player" and is maintained by MSNBC
> Interactive News, One Microsoft Way, Fort Redmond. The problem was
> reported to MSNBC, and suddenly the applet was fixed for Netscape with
> Windows.                                                          ^^^^
> ^^^^^^^

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