To: Ted Grant and Alan Woods, and others


Your marxist analysis of the war in Kosovo at URL 
<> was well done, and I thank Eva 
Durant for posting the URL to e-mail list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
where it attracted my attention.  

But there is yet something missing from your Marxist analysis, that is, a 
technically valid solution for the well documented pathologies of capitalism 
as practiced in the U.K. and the U.S.A..  Clearly, the public policies in 
those two countries cannot be sustained through the next century.

Marx closely approached that technically valid solution in his Critique of 
the Gotha Program where he described several items in the expenses of 
management, which must be deducted from the total wages (contribution) of 
labor, and quoted the words of earlier socialist scholars "From each 
according to his ability, To each according to his need."  

But, close approaches do not count in human affairs.  Please consider the 
work at URL <> as a way to fill the 
gap in your analysis, as readily as it fills the gap in the Ten Commandments, 
the U.S. Declaration of Independence, and the American Bill of Rights.  As 
Adam Smith said in the first of his Four Maxims of Taxation: The expense of 
government is like the expense of management.  They are not alike in our two 
countries, but they should be.


Wesley S. Burt

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