On 26 March 2012 10:06, Raspian Belouchi wrote:
> Howdy all,
> I am likely going to be updating some public computers in a local
> library, and have an idea that fvwm could be used to provide limited
> access to running applications like a web browser, etc.
> Has anyone here already done such a thing? I'm interested in knowing
> how far this can be taken and if fvwm is a practical choice for this.
I did. It's quite straight-forward: replace the menues, mouse bindings and key
bindings to do nothing. Use FvwmButtons as an application launcher or run
Howdy all,
I am likely going to be updating some public computers in a local
library, and have an idea that fvwm could be used to provide limited
access to running applications like a web browser, etc.
Has anyone here already done such a thing? I'm interested in knowing
how far this can be taken