I've been playing with xrandr on my laptop running FVWM 2.5.18.

Usually I run a 1600x2400 dual screen mode, with one screen above the other.
Using xrandr to switch to 1600x1200 allows me to take the laptop off my desk
without restarting X.

When I switch, the screen resizes, but the windows that were on the "bottom
half" don't move. They remain inaccessibly "off the bottom" of the screen.

Even restarting fvwm doesn't fix things.

I've been told this is not the expected behavior, that resizing should
move all the windows onto the resized screen. Has anyone else experienced
this? Is the workaround (i.e. correction of user error :-) obvious to 
anyone? I don't know that it's related to fvwm, but it seems possible
and I thought I'd ask before I spend a lot of time trying to debug it.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Everything should be made as simple as
http://nwalsh.com/            | possible, but no simpler.

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