
This problem has been around for some time, though I just ignored it
silently. I made a small video (a few secs, 1,4mb or so).


You can see it with mplayer.

It shows how the gradient is not correctly drawn, I think that there's
some problem calculating the height of the item or something. On each step
the gradient seems to be drawn 1 or 2 pixels below the previous location
(in relative terms).

I can't explain too accurately with words, so a video seemed the best
option to me. This has been around for a long time, but I don't use
to use gradients so it doesn't really bother me.

This is on a cvs -unpatched- build from yesterday.

I suspect that the problem might be into menuitem.c, but being completely
ignorant about fvwm's source and xlib programming in general, it's not easy
for me to understand it. So, if anyone can tell me where to look, or just
patch it, then it'd be great.

Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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