On Sat, 16 Apr 2011 15:24:41 -0500 c...@math.uh.edu wrote:

> Fixes to fvwm-menu-desktop
> * Make XML::Parser a runtime check, as it's a non-core module.

This replaces a cryptic error "Can't locate XML/Parser.pm in @INC..."
with a nicer error message; unfortunately, it also complicates
packaging of such scripts.  At least rpm in most distributions can
automatically convert "use" statements in perl scripts to package
dependencies, so that all required perl modules would be installed
automatically.  Wrapping such "use" statements in "eval" breaks this
automatic extraction of dependencies; then the packager has two

 - patch the code to replace "eval" with bare "use" again;
 - manually add the dependency to the spec file.

(And the packager needs to notice such dependency in the first place,
which would in general require reviewing of changes between versions -
if the packager had the XML::Parser module already installed, he would
not notice any breakage in his system when testing.)

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