On 2006-03-12 23:59, Ethan Blanton uttered these thoughts:
> Dominik Vogt spake unto us the following wisdom:
> > A current discussion with the gaim developers about some gaim
> > mis-feature has made me think about abandoning EWMH support
> > completely.  In my eyes, the only usefull message it has is the
> > FULLSCREEN stuff.  Everything else is just causing trouble.
> I am a gaim developer, and I use FVWM.  (In fact, I think I may be the
> _only_ Gaim developer using FVWM for my normal day-to-day use.) I
> apparently completely missed this discussion; where did it take place?
> I am not aware of any Gaim features which interact poorly with fvwm,
> but I must admit that I probably don't use most of the features which
> are *likely* to have poor interactions, because I think they're
> stupid.  I have heard users complain that raising the gaim window
> causes fvwm to give it focus, but normally it turns out that they are
> setting the Urgent hint and the default fvwm urgent handler is simply
> doing its thing.
> If there is a bug or misfeature which should be fixed, I would like to
> know so that I can make sure it is addressed.


Patrick Börjesson

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