We don't have to patch Check Point any more except very rarely, ever since
Check Point effectively stopped using HFAs in favor of new version numbers.
They're just upgrades now and as long as the current version is still
supported, we don't have to upgrade.
> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 15:02:
A high uptime means you never patch your box :)
I'm actually running through a series of upgrades now, virtually all
firewalls have an uptime measured in years and months.
On 13/02/2013 9:09 AM, a bv wrote:
I would like to ask the list users , what uptimes you have generally
at your depl
>I would like to ask the list users , what uptimes you have generally
at your deployments both standalone, distrubed and cluster firewalls.
How many days you say to a firewall (gateway) that the uptime is good
or bad. Do you report these any where?
- A bit outdated in modern IT-infrastructure, me