Hello Everyone, 
I am a bit confused with the "getValidValues" method of Zend_Form.
I am using ZF 1.11.10.

I'll explain my problem:

I'm trying to get all the valid values of the $data array.

$isValid = $form->isValid( $data );

            if( $isValid ) {
                $validValues = $form->getValidValues();
                Zend_Debug::dump( $validValues, 'validValues' ); exit;
            } else {
                 Zend_Debug::dump( $form->getErrors() ); exit;

If $data contains keys that are not form elements, $validValues will contains 
Is that the correct behaviour of this method?

The result I would is an array of data that is valid and is present as a form 
element, discarding what is not present,
is there any way to accomplish this using Zend Form methods or maybe am I 
mistaking something?




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