Hi All,

I implement the TableGateway pattern following the ZF2 tutorial and it
is working fine, but the query does not give back any result despite
the fact the table contains data. Matthew mentioned that in his email
in another thread it could be due to not proper permissions. So, I
have double checked everything and the result is the same.

The code runs without any error.
If the result object [1] is dumped out and I run the query using mysql
console or mysql workbench with the same user as used in the php code
and the result is what I expect. I can reproduce this issue on linux
as well, now I'm using win7.

What should I check more?

[1] - $resultSet = $this->tableGateway->select();

I appreciate any help in advance!


--  Csanyi Andras (Sayusi Ando)  -- http://sayusi.hu --
--  ""Trust in God and keep your gunpowder dry!" - Cromwell

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