I'm having this construction for using different frameworks together.

function __autoload($class)
   if ('ezcBase' == $class)
       require_once 'Base/src/base.php';
   else if ('ezc' == substr($class, 0, 3))
else if ('Zend' == substr($class, 0, 4) || 'Custom' == substr($class, 0, 6))
   else if ('Doctrine' == substr($class, 0, 8) ) {
//echo $class."<br>";

Antalóczy Tibor schreef:
Has anyone tried Doctrine and ZF together? I wanted to do a little test today, but I run into trouble: ZF autoload was trying to handle Doctrine autoload tasks. If I removed all ZF parts, the Doctrine was running nicely, but the two together had some problem. Since I have no experience in developing frameworks, I had no chance to debug the problem. I used the following lines to initiate the autoloading (of course, after the inclusion of Zend.php and Doctrine.php):

spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload'));
spl_autoload_register(array('Zend', 'loadclass'));

I don't have experience in using two complicated software packages together. Where should I look for the error? What are the main rules for these kind of projects? (I have been using ZF on production sites since April 2006, and I had no major problems so far.)

Best regards,


Michael Sheakoski írta:
Count me in as one of the many frustrated by the lack of late static binding. I actually ended up doing quite a few projects in Rails because it was just becoming way to hard to maintain in PHP with all the extra code to work around the issue. After converting one of my PHP-based models into a Ruby/ActiveRecord model my code dropped from 500 lines down to 80. The benefits are obvious so I wonder why it isn't a higher priority to push this feature into PHP?

A few days ago a friend of mine pointed me to a nice ORM library which I think would fit in well with ZF. It is called Doctrine ( http://www.phpdoctrine.com/ ). It is designed from the ground up for PHP5 and PDO and doesn't use XML config files to map tables. Perhaps the ZF developers should talk to the Doctrine people about incorporating it into the framework or using some of its ideas in a "ZActiveRecord" implementation. Until a solution for late static binding is found this seems to be the best option.

Michael Sheakoski

Allan Vernon wrote:
Hi Steph,
Thanks for this masterful summary. I'm sorry about the name confusion; however, the 1st letter was correct.
It looks like late static binding has become bogged in April.
However, there are many clever people contributing to the framework and I'm hopeful that someone such as Martel, Mathew, Bill, Thomas etc might, if they see the need for late static binding, help Mike, Dmitry and Jochem with the patch that is needed for PHP ?5.3 or 6. As someone once intimated , the Zend Framework may help to drive PHP faster ; and this may be a case in point.
Allan Vernon

Steph Fox wrote:
Hi Allan,

Dmitry Stogov worked with Mike on his late static binding patch _last March_ and posted it for review. The problem with it was that it slowed down PHP too much to be useful. Mike hasn't - so far anyway - come up with anything since - but it was only ever intended to be explored for PHP 6 anyway. Please don't read that as any kind of guarantee it'll be in PHP 6.


That was the last material reference to it on-list.

- Steph (not Sara :)

----- Original Message ----- From: "allan vernon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <fw-general@lists.zend.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 9:58 AM
Subject: [fw-general] RE: Late static binding for PHP 5

The quotation came from the summary minutes of the Paris Developer's
Meeting(?PDM you referred to). I presume that the Marcus, referred to in conclusion 2. of the quotation, was Marcus Börger (SOMABO) who was going to
prepare an implementation suggestion.
I thought that I read in one of Sara Goleman's more recent summaries that late static binding was still on the agenda for PHP 6. Can't find it at the
moment though.

Mike Lively in his August 24 2006 blog had the following note:
Late Static Binding
I haven't been able to touch this in what seems like ages and have
(unfortunately) completely missed the boat for PHP 5.2. But I am hoping to take a look at the current patch, come up with some solid use cases and
tests, and submit the whole package to PHP Internals for review.

Andi Gutmans wrote:

What's the last you've heard of that? Is it the PDM summary?
I have not found a good way to implement this in PHP and am not quite sure
it will be in PHP 6.

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