The things I did is
   1. zf create project demo1 in command prompt
   2. add the lines to application.ini
          * appnamespace = "Application"
          * resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH
   3. add a layout with header and footer using partial() (They are
perfectly worked)
   4.create Data.php in application/models directory and add this simple

            class Application_Model_Data{
                 //Application for appnamespace


   5.then I tried to load this class(by creating instance)from index
controller index action

      $data = new Application_Model_Data();

   6.but when I test it even in this level it gives an error

      Fatal error: Class 'Application_Model_Data' not found in

any thing wrong in this way or am I missed anything to do?

please help I'm stuck in the beginning,Thank you
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