Hi there

I have just started using the framework as well and I found this tutorial very helpful




Wolfgang Forstmeier wrote:
Hey Nico,
nice to see that even new PHP people use ZF.
The best would be if you read the manual with the quick start guide.
There is a good example how to use ZF.


I hope this is usefull to you.


On 9/12/07, Nico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I'm quite new to PHP, but a programmer since 15 years.
I download and installed Zend Framework, I have some doubts about alias tags
and mod_rewite, beacuse I get an error when I try to test de framework.

 But first of all I want to make sure that I have installed ZF correctly.
I have a windows box with xamp,
the docuementroot in httpd.conf is something like : c:\program
files\xamp\apache\htdocs,but I use alias because I have another dir for root
, c:\inetpub\wwwroot, I DON'T HAVE IIS.

In every alias tag I put "AllowOverride All", and I have the mod_rewite
if my appdir in zf is : c:\inetpub\wwwroot\testzfapp, and html dir is
:c:\inetpub\wwwroot\testzfhrml, and I have an alias like
Alias "/TestZF" "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\testzfhrml"
<Directory "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\testzfhrml">
    AllowOverride All

What mus be write in .htaccess ( the one that is in testzfhtml ) ??

Best Reagrds

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
With best regards

Wolfgang Forstmeier
+49° 34' 26.76", +11° 0' 48.60"

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