One more thing.
I was wondering how you would incorporate Smarty support in that little

I'm thinking about using the Smarty class shown on this page:

I do wonder where I would put the "Zend_View_Smarty" class, how to load it
As I was looking for the same info (ie: where to place our custom files in the tree), and as I did not find any relevant answer, I created a directory called "classes" inside the "application" folder. My structure is as follow:
- application
--- classes
------ Smarty // containing the whole Smarty app
------ Zend
--------- View
------------Smarty.php  // containing the code in the url you mention above

* I added this new "classes" folder to my include_path, then I load the Smarty stuff via the index.php, using
Zend_Loader::loadClass( 'Zend_View_Smarty', array( 'classes' ) );

* Make sure that the automated render is not anymore entering into action:

* You then have to deal with the view, to make sure it's a Smary view. Not being sure if it's the finest way to do this, and based on my little knowledge of the ZF, I did this in the index.php:
$view = new Zend_View_Smarty( );
$registry->set( 'view', $view );

* Then, inside the init() method of a controller, I can get back the Smarty view instanciated above:
$registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
$this->view = $registry->get( 'view' );

* After that, I can assign you variables to your view, inide a Controller method:
$this->view->foo = "bar";

* Finally, I render the view inside a Controller method:
echo $this->view->render( 'mytemplate.tpl' );

BTW do not forget to configure your Smarty (template_dir) to point to the directory where the views are stored.

There should be a nicer way to do this, I'm wide open to suggestions as well :)


Thank you.

Rob Allen-3 wrote:
I've updated the source file download for the tutorial and have tested
it on ZF 1.0.1:

If you want the ZF included:



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