Simon R Jones schrieb:
Hi Alexander,

Some domain names have been set up to accept international characters, DE 
domains being one of them. More info on how to use it is on

However, there have been reports of it not working reliably for some people. This is likely down to character encoding issues.
This has been reported in ZF-1083 ( ) and I'm looking into why this 
isn't working for some people. I had uploaded a test script to that page but 
the upload process messed up the character encoding so that doesn't work.

I plan to write up some tests and host them myself to help resolve this. I'll 
send you a link once I've done this.

best wishes,

Hi Simon,

thanks very much for the fast reply,

i actually searched for a solution to validate a string containing umlaute such as a name as mine "Jäger" ;)

But the example of the domains will help to find a solution to my umlaut problem.

Again thank you,


P.S. I really love your project, thanks for the effort to build such an perfect framework

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