[fw-general] 2 actions my controller must be access for only loged users

2009-09-21 Thread aaabbbcccdaabb
My login action is in controller AuthController in action LoginAction(). If I use Zend_Auth_Storage_Session() to store username logged persons and I would like to create that only logged users can go to action addBookAction() and removeBookAction() in controller LibraryController - should I add t

[fw-general] I don't have dbAdapter so how can I create authentication ?

2009-09-21 Thread aaabbbcccdaabb
To connect to table Animals I write: $model = new Model_DbTable_Animals(); In documentation: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.auth.html I have: $authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable( $dbAdapter, 'users', 'username', 'password' ); But I don't have dbAdapter so what