Hi all,

On Saturday November 8th, the Dutch and Belgian PHP communities have organized the first ever Bughuntday. The next bit is copied from the Bughuntday site:

Supporting open-source projects can be done by contributing code, writing or translating manuals or by fixing bugs. For this event, PHPBelgium has decided to focus on the latter and organizes several BugHuntDays for frameworks and libraries, together with the Dutch PHP community phpGG.

The purpose of such a BugHuntDay is to introduce known and lesser known frameworks and libraries to our members. On each BugHuntDay, a core developer will be available to give a small presentation about the framework, and how a bug should be fixed according to the standards of that framework or library. After the presentation, it's up to the attendees to fix bugs, learning the framework from the inside out. The one who contributes the most bug fixes, will receive the honor and a little prize.

A few benefits:

supporting the open-source community
learning a new framework
learning how to fix bugs
learning how to test code
meet other PHP enthusiasts
Come and join us at 11am to 6pm on our first BugHuntDay on Saturday, November 8 at Hotel Goderie, Roosendaal, NL. Our first framework is Zend Framework, the most adopted framework in enterprise and web application development. Now is your chance to make it even better!

If you'd like to attend this PHP bughunting event, please sign up here: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1230795

Hope to see you there!

- Jurriën

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