I am using $this->navigation()->breadcrumbs() and
$this->navigation()->menu() to output breadcrumbs and a menu

When I use a custom route for ONE specific branch, the URIs of ALL
links produced by $this->navigation()->* are the same, with the
EXCEPTION of those in the branch specified by the custom route.

Non-custom route example


Home > Debug > Example > Person > Jason

This works exactly as expected. ALL links produced by
$this->navigation()->* are correct.

Custom route example

The goal is to shorten the URI to:


(no 'personId')

I specify the following route:

        <locale />
        <personId />

The navigation container is specified as follows:

<!-- many other branches -->

In Debug_ExampleController::personAction() I then update the
navigation container:


$request    = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
$navigation = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('navigation');
$personId   = $this->_getParam('personId', null);

$newPage = new Tx_Navigation_Page_Mvc(array(

    'module'          => $request->getModuleName(),
    'controller'      => $request->getControllerName(),
    'action'          => $request->getActionName(),
    'params'          => array('personId' => $personId),
    'label'           => ucfirst($personId),
    'title'           => ucfirst($personId)

$page = $navigation->findOneBy('id', 'debug_example_person');


This correctly produces the desired breadcrumbs:

Home > Debug > Example > Person > Jason

when loading


However -- and this is the problem -- the URI of ALL other links on
the ENTIRE site, produced by $this->navigation()->* is:


What am I doing wrong?

I am using ZF 1.8.3 (same in ZF 1.8.2).

Jonathan Maron

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