With all the talk of a Zend_Deprecation and the evolution of the framework in general, I have a question about Zend_DB and fetchAll()/ fetchRow().

The documentation states that the depreciated usage (of not using a Zend_Db_Table_Select object) of fetchRow() and fetchAll() will continue to work.

I do like the simplicity (and already have many functions using this) of being able to write a quick select like:
$rows = $table->fetchAll('bug_status = "NEW"', 'bug_id ASC', 10, 0);

Will we eventually lose this ability and have to migrate to the updated usage of a Zend_Db_Table_Select like: $rows = $table->fetchAll($table->select()->where('bug_status = ?', 'NEW')
                                         ->order('bug_id ASC')
                                         ->limit(10, 0));

This option has its place and use it when needed, but I still continue to use the simpler method for quick selects.

So what I'm wondering... should I stop using the simple fetchAll() and fetchRow() methods in favor of using them with the select object?


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