Hy fellows,

after a long rest I have once more come together with me (me and myself are sometimes splitted ;-) ) and wrote for you the follwing lines:

12th NEWSLETTER from the I18N TEAM


Yeah... I know...
It was long long ago since I have brought to you my last newsletter.

More than 10 weeks have come into the land and much has changed since then.

We are closely to the release... 0.9.2 will be released in 1-2 weeks. All needed I18N core components are released. The first official release can be seen on the horizon. Much has changed internally and some issues have been integrated with new features which have been included.

New documentation has been written for almost every class. Of course there can not ever be enough documentation, but it gets better with every release. So let's take a closer look to what the classes do and what has changed the last 10 weeks...


Zend_Locale - in the Core since 0.7 (Thomas)

Zend_Locale, the base class for the I18N core.
It is the base class for localization and normalization and gives access to several informations which are already included for almost all languages.

*) Added number format conversion
*) Reworked date and number format functions
*) Added new data retreiving functions getTranslation / getTranslationList

Zend_Date - in the Core since 0.7 (Thomas/Gavin)

Zend_Date, the date and time handling class of the I18N core.
It is completly independent of any extension and it gives access to unlimited timestamps even greater than 64bit. The API is very simple and can handle many date related works with just one line of code.

*) Added support for PHP date format, now it can be selected between ISO and PHP
*) Added new date checking function isDate()
*) Fixed several small issues

Zend_Measure - in the Core since 0.7 (Thomas)

Zend_Measure, the conversion class of the I18N core. It knows about 1500 different conversions.

*) Reworked the API... now BCMath independent

Zend_Timesync - in the Incubator since 0.9 (Andries/Thomas)

Zend_Timesync, the I18N class for connections to timeservers.
It will stay into the incubator and will not be released with 1.0 as we have found internally several issues which we have to solve before we are sure the class is ready for a official use by customers.
It will be released with 1.1 or 1.2.

Zend_Translate - in the Core since 0.9 (Thomas/Alexander)

Zend_Translate, the translational class of the I18N core.
It is completly independend of any extensions even of the gettext extension.
It supports many different adapters which all can be used with the same API.

Supported adapters for the release:
 a.. Array
 b.. Gettext
 c.. Cvs
 d.. Tmx
 e.. Xliff
*) Added tmx, xliff and cvs adapter
*) Simplified the API

Zend_Currency - in the incubator since 0.9 (Shreef/Thomas)

Zend_Currency is the I18N class for currency related work.
It is almost finished coded for now, but we have to review it and write documentation.
It will be released with 1.1.

Zend_Calendar - On hold

Zend_Calendar is the calendar class within the I18N core.
It will give support for other calendar formats than the gregorian calendar and will support
a.. Chinese calendars
a.. Arabic calendars
a.. Hebrew calendars
a.. Indian calendars
a.. and probably some more...
It will be released somewhere on the road to 2.0

Of course very much other issues and small tweaks and issues have been solved and new features being integrated into the I18N core.
Too much to mention here within this newsletter.

The best would be, if you just begin to use the I18N components.
We are sure that you will like them and they will increase you benefit of using the zend framework.

I18N Members and helping hands:

Thomas - Main author and Team Leader
Andries - Zend_Timesync
Gavin - Helping hand from zend
Alexander - Helping hand from zend
Shreef - Zend_Currency


We hope you stay with us, and maybe the one or other of you guys want to helps us within the team. If you have any questions or ideas for us write us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

This will be the last newsletter of the I18N core team for a longer period so dont be sad... but you can write us within the i18n forum if you have questions or need help with I18N features.

Thomas Weidner, I18N Team Leader :-)

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