Hi again,

I'm trying to put together simple item paginators (ala the
http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.paginator.usage.html example), and
I'm just wondering what the best practice for something like this is when
used with the Dojo grid. The Dojo grid takes care of the search pagination,
so all we really need after that is item pagination, but it seems to be a
pretty manual job to get that working in this context.

Basically, the best way I've come up with so far to do this is as follows:

1. user browses the grid / conducts a search on the grid, which triggers the
controller's list action
2. list action instances the model, the model hits the db, and retrieves the
rows for the grid.
3. the model instances the paginator and stores it in a session
4. the user eventually selects a row from the grid, which triggers the
display action
5. display action checks the session, and passes the last stored session
paginator on to the view for displaying

There's a couple of obvious problems, the main one being searches will get
clobbered if the user conducts more than one at once, which can be avoided
by a token in the URL or something, but even if you solve that, there's
still some PHP-type problems, and I haven't really got a clean way around
them yet.

Basically, it seems cleanest to just instance the paginator in the model,
because the $select is right there, you've applied all your criteria to it,
it's perfect to pass on to the paginator factory right there and then,
except... it doesn't work. You can't serialize a PDO object, so you can't
keep the thing around long enough to get it in to a view. Well, using
sessions at least.

So far I've worked on using Zend_Paginator_Adaptor_Null and controlling it
all manually with URL variables, which is possible, but it sounds pretty
clunky, and really doesn't sound like what I'd call a "best practice" for
this. DbSelect is out and Array probably won't help things much. So has
anyone done this / got any good ideas? What would be beautiful if we could
simplify item paginators down to as simple as they are with search
paginators, something like $this->view->paginator =

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