Hi all, I'm going through the proposals in preparation for the 1.7
release. In particular, we'll be assigning new Zend Liaisons to
proposals in any state other than 'new' and 'ready for review' and/or
proposals with a Zend Liaison that is no longer at Zend. I'll be putting
these proposals in 'Ready for Recommendation'. Don't worry, most if not
all recommendations on proposals that are active will not change; this
is simply a way to put the proposals back in our queue for new Zend
Liaison assignment.
Note: I'm currently cross-posting these contributor-centric posts to
fw-general and zf-contributors. I won't be doing that for much longer,
so if you are a contributor and are not on zf-contributors, go subscribe
to zf-contributors. Do it now before you forget. :)


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