As some of you are probably already aware, Matthew and I invest quite a
lot of time in reading both blogs and tweets on Twitter about Zend
Framework. I can say personally that this has been a particularly
educational and rewarding activity for me. Unfortunately, the volume of
the blogs/tweets has increased to the point where I can't reply every
time I'd like to. That's where I hope people in the community can help.
If you're interested in catching Zend Framework content (and hopefully
commenting/replying), you might consider setting up the following:

* Go to and search for either 'Zend
Framework' (many people are referring to ZF without the 'framework'
part- esp. with the 140 char limit- so you'll miss some) or 'Zend'
(you're likely to pick up all Zend products, Zend engine, and I think
there may be a word 'zend' in Dutch from some of the results I see. :))
There is a link for an RSS feed on the results page that you can add to
your feed reader.

* Do the same on Developer blogs aren't
always widely read, so I pick 'with any authority' in the advanced
options. Again there is an RSS link on the results page.

Please let me know if you have any questions or additional suggestions
on how to get to the latest ZF content on the web. And, please, if you
could help us help any of these people, we'd *really* appreciate it.


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