I was wondering if it is possible with Zend_Config to do Apache-style
loading of configuration files.  By this, I mean is it possible to
have a directive in a Zend_Config_Ini file that says "load any .ini
files that are in directory X", much like how you can ask Apache2 to
load any configuration files in a specific directory.

Right now I have a layout like this:


what I'd like is to be able to do the following

project/application/config/global_config.ini (used by multiple
projects, doesn't change)
project/application/config/project/config.ini (project-specific
config, will be very different)

The goal is to make configuration follow a DRY principle.  By some
judicious use of svn externals, I will only ever have to edit the
project-specific config.ini file while the global_config.ini file only
has to be maintained in one spot.

Hopefully I've explained this properly.

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

rallyhat.com - digital photo scavenger hunt
@TheBallpark - http://www.littlehart.net/attheballpark
@TheKeyboard - http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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