Hi, I have been having strange problems with my mac and reinstalled system software, rebuilt desktop, etc. last week. Last night when I went to open Outlook Express it gave an error message and said it was unable to launch. I trashed prefs, etc. and tried again. No luck. I then did the compact option and it wouldn't do it the first way so I chose to do it the complicated way. I was so thrilled when I got my emails back. However, I am missing some very important folders full of hundreds of emails! I can't imagine what happened to them. I still have the old database and associated files. Everytime I click on it I still get either a blank window or the restored window minus my folders. Needless to say, I am not happy about this. I can't believe there is not a way to get them back since I still have the old database. Does anyone know what I can possibly do? Also, my hard drive shows some folders as empty when I look at them with the view list command. However, thankfully, when I change it to icon, they are all there. I imagine I am going to have to reinstall my system software again. I don't mind that. I really need to get my lost folders back though. Any suggestions? I will be forever grateful. Thanks! Lynn
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