----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephen Goranson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 1:55 PM
Subject: [Megillot] Jonathan: 4Q448, 4Q523, recent bibliography?

> [snip]
> Posidonius and Strabo, sources on Essenes, considered Alexander,
> named, as notably "superstitious" and "tyrannical." And the Teacher,
> arising an estimated 390 years plus 20 (Damascus ms) after the end of
> Babylonian captivity fits these texts.

Dear Stephen,

Actually you mean Theophanes of Mytilene, the biographer of Pompey instead
of Poseidonius (likewise known to Strabo) - here in connection with the
reference in Strabo on typical, predestined, local "tyrants" of
Syro-Palestinian (Geographica xvi 40.1).
Poseidonioius, partly criticized by Strabo due to own misinterpretation (Geo
vii.3.3-4), deals exclusively with temple founding Thracians that "live
without women". That he calls those celibate as specific "pious" is absurd,
therefore this passage is usually understood as a temporary austereness
(from sex). However, this "life without woman" actually sounds like the
"sine ulla femine" in Pliny, Nat Hist 5.73 and the corresponding parallels
in Jos Bell 2.120f., 160f. and  Philo contempl 18. To determine the
Getae-Pythagoras-Artemis Temple triangle (if we include Pausanias viii.13
loc. cit.) a "source on Essenes" is, if you will pardon the experession,
apparently just a helpless exaggeration to present the inexistent, viz
Essenes that are more than literary fiction of an Aritotelean ideal of the
vita contemplativa of the philosopher as pious theoretikos.

> Puech in RQ 1996 and DJD XXV published 4Q523, with mention of Jonathan,
and ?
> Gallikah or ?Glakous or... (any possible IDs for that?...cf Bat Gallim in
> 4QpIsa a ??). Puech argued for the earlier Jonathan, but both 4Q448 and
> may quite well both refer to the Jannai Jonathan.

What earlier Jonathan? Jonathan/Jannai = Yehonatan ; Hyrcan = Yehohanan.
There is, vs E. Puech, no other Jonathan the King to be extracted from 4Q448
than Alexander Jannai, the King.
> (I am aware of proposals to read the Lion as gentile; I don't need more
> bibliography on that, thanks.) Are there more recent studies or notable
> reviews 4Q448 and 4Q523 besides the above-mentioned? Thanks.

NB Revalue the actual "historicity" of the World-History of Nikolaos of
Damascos - this will directly lead to a decisive shift in the historical
sitz-im-leben of alleged events in the decades of the 1st c. BC in question.


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