Dear All,

Could you please tell where or how I could get the list of multi-threaded tools and the amount of threads they open by default?

Thanks a lot


PS: I have collected the following list by hands:
#Tool_id    Num_thread
gatk_count_covariates    4
gatk_realigner_target_creator    4
gatk_unified_genotyper    4
gatk_variant_eval    4
gatk_variant_recalibrator    4
gatk_variant_select    4
bfast_wrapper    4
bowtie2    4
bowtie_color_wrapper    4
bowtie_wrapper    4
bwa_color_wrapper    4
bwa_wrapper    4
cuffdiff    4
cufflinks    4
cuffmerge    4
tophat2    4
tophat_color    4
tophat    4

Dr Jean-François Taly

Bioinformatics Core Facility
CRG - Centre de Regulació Genòmica (Room 439)
Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (PRBB)
Doctor Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona

phone: +34 93 316 0202
fax: +34 93 316 0099

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