From the syntax I can see pbs-python still uses a Python 2 style
print, it will need updating for Python 3.
I suggest opening an issue on the repository, and seeing what the
author says. I would guess the Python 2 to 3 changes will be fairly
easy, but worry that there have been other changes to Ga
That seems a good compromise within conda, since BioConda
wouldn't want the binary package itself to be too big.
(I'm doing something similar with some real sample data for
a tool, putting it up on Zenodo. Of course, this is optional for
my tool - your use case is different.)
The Galaxy Data Mana
I don't have any advise from the BLAST DB side, but I would
expect the same solution to work with any *.loc file and the
file system it points at.
On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 10:50 AM Schäfer, Richard
> Hello,
> I want to integrate a Docker container as a tool in Galaxy. This works