Hi Abdulrahman,
this does not belong to a tool, this is more a configuration for an
admin. The tools does not care where it runs.
So what you need to do is to set up a job destination and configure your
tools to use this destination.
Here is a small documentation about it:
Hello Abdulrahman,
I believe you can control the docker host in the job_conf.xml.
I haven't' tried this yet, but it seems that it should work.
On 2 March 2016 at 09:55, Abdulrahman Azab wrot
Hi Galaxy,
I'm working on a project for running galaxy on the top of a docker swarm
cluster. The docker tag in the tool xml so far supports access only to the
local docker host. To submit to the swarm manager, the command should be:
$ docker -H tcp://: run ...
instead of:
$ docker run ...