Title: Changed add_contribution not to have 2 links for fees and donations. [...]
Commit from lpelecq 2004-11-12 09:40 CET
Changed add_contribution not to have 2 links for fees and donations.
On first screen, user has to select the contribution type before all
fields are displayed.

Module File name Revision
galette ajouter_contribution.php 1.15 >>> 1.16
galette footer.php 1.9 >>> 1.10
galette includes/functions.inc.php 1.19 >>> 1.20
galette templates/default/ajouter_contribution.tpl 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette templates/default/gestion_contributions.tpl 1.5 >>> 1.6
galette templates/default/page.tpl 1.2 >>> 1.3
galette templates/default/voir_adherent.tpl 1.3 >>> 1.4

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