Re: [Audyssey] sonnar news

2017-02-26 Thread Shaun Everiss
Yes, I will push for pc, be aware that the pc version is not the top priority, official stats have pc version at 4% of market share as of a few weeks ago. I use a pc and I would like a pc version so I will push for it but it will probably come out on android first, followed by ios as long as we

Re: [Audyssey] sonnar news

2017-02-26 Thread Ryan Conroy
Will this be released for the PC/windows as well? I have audio game hub 1.1.7 for windows, but I was wondering if the new version will be for PC with the new games? Thanks. Ryan On 2/26/2017 10:22 PM, Shaun Everiss wrote: Hi all this was posted while I was away on holiday on applevis. Hello

[Audyssey] sonnar news

2017-02-26 Thread Shaun Everiss
Hi all this was posted while I was away on holiday on applevis. Hello, This is Jarek from Sonnar. Just few words on upcoming major Audio Game Hub update: - new menu system (with lists) - added achievements to all games - added highscores - adding two new games (blackjack and simon) - adding blind