Phil, can I first of all ask you very nicely  to please have a look at
ghosts touching sarah in the august patch. This thing that a ghost touches
sarah without  warning is not fair. Sarah should be notified if a ghost is
on  her tail.  This same thing happens in pack man as well, ghosts just
touch the player  from nowhere without any warning that they are near.  This
means that I have to constantly use my patronous charms whether a ghost is
near or not, to prevent those ghosts that just touches me out of no where
but that will cause me to waste patronous charms as well,  even now that I
can't use the last 4 charms.
Now I'm getting the hang of the third floor.  I found the secret passage to
the sweet shop, but here is a bug I have noticed.
Sarah is on her broom when in the secret passage, I tried everything. I
pressed control+c to clear the sound buffers, I activated and deactivated my
broom many times but  when I move in the secret passage I hear the broom, I
rather want to hear sarah's footsteps on the ground, I want to  HEAR HOW THE
 I will find the frog thingie and then go back to the frogs and drop the
thingie, maybe I will  then be allowed to get past.

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