Hey guys,
I'd love to get unbiased feedback from all those who own an Xbox 360. I'm considering purchasing a console. Are there any reasons why I should do this, apart from better accessibility? Are there any good exclusives on the Xbox that are playable for us, that do not exist on ps3? remember, I own a play station 3, so I'd love it if there were some exclusive games I could play that would justify the purchase more. All I have to go by now is the whole accessibility thing, which I must agree is a whole lot better on the 360 if what I've seen of the website is any indication. in fact, if any of you own a 360 I'd love it if you include a link to your Xbox live profile so I can check out how it looks and whatnot. I've also noticed that 360 owners tend to talk more trash when we're dealing with online competitions. so beating all of you senseless in mortal kombat is another great reason to get one. mwahahahaha! It's really going to suck having to purchase games all over though. however I must face the facts. sony might have all the exclusives, but when it comes to accessibility, Microsoft is destroying ps3. all the games I enjoy are on 360 as well as ps3, and there are no ps3 exclusives that are very playable for blind people. ps3's blu-ray is awesome, but blind people could care less about blu-ray technology since we can't see it anyway. I'm planning to keep my ps3, but the Xbox will be a great system to own as well. I heard that the new slim 360 is totally sweet and as quiet or quieter than the ps3, and that it no longer has the RROD issue, so my 2 biggest reasons for not owning a 360 in the past are now eliminated. then there's that new controller microsoft came out with. anyone tried it, and has the Dpad improved? do new consoles come with that controller by default, or the old one? also new 360 has wi-fi capabilities now, and touch sensitive buttons, just like the ps3. not sure if it still has the tray or the eject mechanism, which I much prefer to be honest. I've realized while writing this email that I've pretty much ran out of reasons not to buy a 360 hahaha. in the past it was pretty broken, but it's real solid now. Sony better step up the competition or they're going to be flattened.

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