HI all
I know self destruct is not a well known game on this list, but if anyone can 
help me work out a strategy how to fight the urchin lord it will help a lot.  I 
think its not necesary to  know the game in order to help me work out a 
strategy. The  principle is very simple, I just can't seem to beat him. I  beat 
him on easy difficulty, but I'm having a problem beating him on normal. Its a 
20 by 20 battle field.  Spacebar tells me my health and the urchin lord's 
health. R tells me which room I'm in; actually its not a room; its just 
referring to the space where  I am on THE battle field as  a room.    20 BY 20 
FOR EXAMPLE 300.  There seems to be no way to kill the urchin lord by hitting 
the control key which fires my gun, separately.  IN other words, if I hold down 
the control key i have  a better chance killing the urchin lord; that's how I 
beat him on easy.   It sometimes happens that I hit the urchin lord without he 
hitting me but that happens very seldom.  Sometimes when I  fire at him I hear 
him howl but then at the same time he hit me.    Most of the times the moment I 
fire at him, he will at the same time fire at me.   Each time he fires  his gun 
he gets me; the urchin lord never misses.  What I do at the start of the game: 
I first gather all the health packs on the battle field before fighting the 
urchin lord.   when I'm at the top left edge of the battle field I hold down my 
right arrow key and my character moves with one enormous speed till it reaches 
the  right edge and while moving picking up the health packs. so I'm moving in 
this way through the whole battle field picking  up all the health packs by  
holding down each arrow key.   The urchin lord cannot hit me if I move so 
quickly to pick up all the health packs.  Does anyone agree so far with my way 
of game play? Because there are health packs scattered on the battle field. 
When I'm   teleported to the battle field I start with 500 hp. I first tried 
fighting the urchin lord while picking up health packs,but that didn't work at 
all.     when I first pick up all the health packs and then fight him, he also  
kills me each time on normal difficulty but the battle continues for a bit 
longer than if I try fighting him before picking up all the health packs.   
When I try fighting him before picking up all the health packs, its about 5 
shots and I'm dead.   After picking up all health packs I have about 12000  hp. 
Each time the urchin lord hits me he drains me of 90 hp and he starts with  800 
hp. Each time I fire at himI drain him of only 25 hp.  How can I accurately 
track the urchin lord and get a good amount of hits on him without him firing 
me too much?  ON easy when I beated him I  had 700  hp left.  Will anyone be 
able to give me any pointers based on the info I gave here?  When I hold down 
the control key my gun fires; it seems as if I have unlimited ammo in the 
urchinlord battle. But the moment I press an arrow key my gun stops firing.  It 
only  helps holding down the control key as long as I'm not moving with the 
arrow keys.   
Since this game is working with sappi, I go to the control pannel prior 
starting the game and I change the speed of  sappi there  Because if I don't 
set sappi to speak very fast, I cannot hear my health and the urchin  lord's 
health in time before it hits me. When sapi is set to very fast, I can 
sometimes hear my health and the urchin lord's health before it gets me.  
Btw why they call him a lord is beyond me.  Urchin is a pesky character taken 
from a main  stream game but why calling the boss a lord is really beyond me.
The word lord in daily english can either refer to a land lord, the owner of 
property, or the word lord can also be another word forGod. Why they call the 
bossin this game a lord is beyond me.
Give it a try if anyone can work out a strategy for me 
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