
My name is Miriam Ruiz, and I'm a Debian Developer and a Spanish
engineer. I've been involved in Debian Development since 2004 or so.
I've always been interested in videogames, and when I started doing
stuff in Debian, I decided to go for them. As I believe in cooperative
development much more than in individual geniuses, so some time ago I
decided to found the Debian Games Team with the help of other members
of the Debian community.

I've been doing stuff with different programming languages, but I
think I prefer C above all. I like C++ quite a lot too. My nick in the
IRC netkorks I join (my usual networks are irc.oftc.net and
irc.freenode.net) is Baby. As most of us, I guess, I also have a
personal web log [1].

[1] http://www.miriamruiz.es
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