For example, lets say that for the first 3 weeks of the month your
cluster was idle and over the last week it was 100% busy.  In this
example, the numbers on the web frontend would probably say 100%, but in
actuality, your cluster utilization was only around 25%.  The patch I
made uses the data stored in the rrds to display the utilization
averaged over the selected time range, and in this case would show 25%.

Having it show "100%" is actually the behavior I prefer to see. I typically just use this to what the usage is "now" and then look at the graph to see any historical trends.

Maybe we could take Ian's suggestion and display only one extra
percentage, based on load1, and call it utilization???

I like that idea. Then I could always use the "utilization" number in the same way I use the 1-min load average now, and also have access to the historical averages.


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