Hi all,

I'm working on a web interface which would allow a user to choose which
reports metrics to group in a graph, thus forming custom reports. I
believe this would be especially useful when viewing gmetrics in a
cluster/grid context (nfs_ops/sec anyone? how about a breakdown to

I've reached a stage where I have a basic form which provides a list of
all available metrics, where each line looks something like this:

metric      line_width   line_color      fill_area?      area_color

The metrics plotted in the output graph are the ones whose checkbox has
been checked. Since this is quite basic at this point, there's not much
in the way of input validation or eye candies.

The issue I'm facing is how to distinguish between memory, network and
other metrics. If you take a look at graph.php, at the section
responsible for generating memory graphs, you'd find CDEF passed as a
parameter to rrdtool, with certain RPN calculations performed in order
to display information correctly.

While it is possible to hardcode this into the interface for certain
metrics, same as with graph.php, it doesn't solve the problem with
custom metrics, where the user would have to be provided with a form
field where he'd enter RPN syntax to CDEF. Needless to say, that's not
too user-friendly, and requires some understanding of how rrdtool works.

Does anyone have any ideas on how this could be performed with
user-friendliness in mind? perhaps adding a dropdown menu with several
common CDEF parameters and calling them "memory/network/blah"?



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