Hi all,
I am planning to add functionality to ganglia for virtualisation stats
for both Solaris 10 local zones and virtualised machines (for ESX servers).
The main motivation would be to look at utilisation of the virtual OSs,
mainly cpu/mem and network stats but also other stats. All metrics will
be captured from the Solaris 10 Global zone and ESX server respectively.
I'd look in the first phase at a consolidated view of the Solaris 10
Local Zones. My initial plan is to (main steps):
- Amend prstat (from opensolaris.org) to get me the exact information
I'm interested in with regards to local zones.
- Integrating this into gmond so that it will report on these extra metrics
- Amending the web front end to show a Solaris 10 Global zone in a
consolidated view (using the current or a new version of the clusters view)
The second phase would be to do the same for an ESX server. Only
difference would be to take the info where vmkusage perl script takes it
from rather than the prstat step.
I'm aiming to use the same php code and template for the web front end
for these solutions.
Any suggestions, comments and/or ideas would be welcome,