First, apologies if my commments to follow seem to come from left field , or
are incoherent, but I am a systems/infrastructure manager and not a developer.
But your discussions below sparked a connection to me between some of the
things Gmond is doing and what one of the applicat
We've added the following to cluster_view.php:
/** BEGIN MTB **/
if ($clustername == "AMS GDC" ||
$clustername == "Expro Lite Site" ||
$clustername == "SEPNO Lite Site") {
$optional_graphs = array('session');
/** END
We have what I call a 'mixed' grid of clusters. By this I mean not all machines
in certain of our clusters are standard Linux nodes. And we cluster our
machines by their function.
Anyway, one of the functions are thin client servers. On these machines we have
defined and run a gmetric th
We have a mixed grid environment spread across 3 geographic regions: europe,
america and asia. Each region has its own grid, which consists of clusters of
Linux machines only and clusters of Solaris machines only, as well as clusters
with both Solaris and Linux machines in them. When each
Occasionally we get hosts being reported as down in the cluster and grid
reports. The gstat command shows this host's information. The gmetad RRD
databases are updated. Even if I remove the RRD directory for the supposedly
down host on the gmetad server it gets re-created and re-populated.