
I installed ganglia 3.0.0 on the head node of my cluster using the rpm files.
The installation is fine. However, on the website it shows that the CPUs
Total: Hosts up: 0. It seems the ganglia could not see the node. I also tried

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# gstat
       Name: unspecified
      Hosts: 0
Gexec Hosts: 0
 Dead Hosts: 0
  Localtime: Wed Mar  1 10:47:54 2006

There are no hosts running gexec at this time

And telnet localhost 8649. It didn't show any metrics on the telnet:
<CLUSTER NAME="unspecified" LOCALTIME="1141228133" OWNER="unspecified"
LATLONG="unspecified" URL="unspecified">

I used the default gmond.conf, which is showed as following. Do anyone know
what's the problem? Thanks.

Yongsheng Zhao 

/* This configuration is as close to 2.5.x default behavior as possible 
   The values closely match ./gmond/metric.h definitions in 2.5.x */ 
globals {                    
  setuid = yes              
  user = nobody              
  cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */ 

/* If a cluster attribute is specified, then all gmond hosts are wrapped
 * of a <CLUSTER> tag.  If you do not specify a cluster tag, then all <HOSTS>
 * NOT be wrapped inside of a <CLUSTER> tag. */ 
cluster { 
  name = "unspecified" 

/* Feel free to specify as many udp_send_channels as you like.  Gmond 
   used to only support having a single channel */ 
udp_send_channel { 
  mcast_join = 
  port = 8649 

/* You can specify as many udp_recv_channels as you like as well. */ 
udp_recv_channel { 
  mcast_join = 
  port = 8649 
  bind = 

/* You can specify as many tcp_accept_channels as you like to share 
   an xml description of the state of the cluster */ 
tcp_accept_channel { 
  port = 8649 

/* The old internal 2.5.x metric array has been replaced by the following 
   collection_group directives.  What follows is the default behavior for 
   collecting and sending metrics that is as close to 2.5.x behavior as 
   possible. */

/* This collection group will cause a heartbeat (or beacon) to be sent every 
   20 seconds.  In the heartbeat is the GMOND_STARTED data which expresses 
   the age of the running gmond. */ 
collection_group { 
  collect_once = yes 
  time_threshold = 20 
  metric { 
    name = "heartbeat" 

/* This collection group will send general info about this host every 1200
   This information doesn't change between reboots and is only collected
once. */ 
collection_group { 
  collect_once = yes 
  time_threshold = 1200 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_num" 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_speed" 
  metric { 
    name = "mem_total" 
  /* Should this be here? Swap can be added/removed between reboots. */ 
  metric { 
    name = "swap_total" 
  metric { 
    name = "boottime" 
  metric { 
    name = "machine_type" 
  metric { 
    name = "os_name" 
  metric { 
    name = "os_release" 
  metric { 
    name = "location" 

/* This collection group will send the status of gexecd for this host every
300 secs */
/* Unlike 2.5.x the default behavior is to report gexecd OFF.  */ 
collection_group { 
  collect_once = yes 
  time_threshold = 300 
  metric { 
    name = "gexec" 

/* This collection group will collect the CPU status info every 20 secs. 
   The time threshold is set to 90 seconds.  In honesty, this time_threshold
could be 
   set significantly higher to reduce unneccessary network chatter. */ 
collection_group { 
  collect_every = 20 
  time_threshold = 90 
  /* CPU status */ 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_user"  
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_system"   
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_idle"  
    value_threshold = "5.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_nice"  
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_aidle" 
    value_threshold = "5.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_wio" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  /* The next two metrics are optional if you want more detail... 
     ... since they are accounted for in cpu_system.  
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_intr" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "cpu_sintr" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 

collection_group { 
  collect_every = 20 
  time_threshold = 90 
  /* Load Averages */ 
  metric { 
    name = "load_one" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "load_five" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "load_fifteen" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 

/* This group collects the number of running and total processes */ 
collection_group { 
  collect_every = 80 
  time_threshold = 950 
  metric { 
    name = "proc_run" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "proc_total" 
    value_threshold = "1.0" 

/* This collection group grabs the volatile memory metrics every 40 secs and 
   sends them at least every 180 secs.  This time_threshold can be increased 
   significantly to reduce unneeded network traffic. */ 
collection_group { 
  collect_every = 40 
  time_threshold = 180 
  metric { 
    name = "mem_free" 
    value_threshold = "1024.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "mem_shared" 
    value_threshold = "1024.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "mem_buffers" 
    value_threshold = "1024.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "mem_cached" 
    value_threshold = "1024.0" 
  metric { 
    name = "swap_free" 
    value_threshold = "1024.0" 

collection_group { 
  collect_every = 40 
  time_threshold = 300 
  metric { 
    name = "bytes_out" 
    value_threshold = 4096 
  metric { 
    name = "bytes_in" 
    value_threshold = 4096 
  metric { 
    name = "pkts_in" 
    value_threshold = 256 
  metric { 
    name = "pkts_out" 
    value_threshold = 256 

/* Different than 2.5.x default since the old config made no sense */ 
collection_group { 
  collect_every = 1800 
  time_threshold = 3600 
  metric { 
    name = "disk_total" 
    value_threshold = 1.0 

collection_group { 
  collect_every = 40 
  time_threshold = 180 
  metric { 
    name = "disk_free" 
    value_threshold = 1.0 
  metric { 
    name = "part_max_used" 
    value_threshold = 1.0 

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