I believe this is the first time I've hit the filter... =.="

The patch is attached to another message with this subject, since my
anti-spam filter caught the first failure message and I didn't figure
that out until I sent a "revised" message/patch.

Like I said in BZ 61, this is mostly a cosmetic thing -- but since I
believe I'm too immature (so far) to contribute sanely to something
big, I figured I'd start with something trivial -- better than

Considering that the web interface in CVS spits out it's DTD HTML 4.01
Transitional, I figured I'd try and get the default setup to show HTML
4 compliance with the validator at http://validator.w3.org/.

Attached patch fixes a minor "td td" typo (should be "tr td"),
changes instances of & to the entity in URLs in the main PHP code and the
default template (rocks template doesn't appear to be affected AFAIK).
 However, old customized templates will need to be hand "converted" in
order to be standards-compliant, since about 16 or so errors are
caused in the template instead of the PHP (and I figured
it'd be messy, redundant, and dangerous to risk implement an automatic
converter in the output stream somewhere).

AFAIK, the fixes don't break Mozilla Firefox.  This particular fix
also doesn't break e.g. lynx/elinks either, although a lack of JS
means that these browsers can't be used anyways.  I haven't had the
opportunity to test MSIE or other browsers, but I don't believe this
is supposed to cause a problem.

Because this is my first patch, I wasn't sure if the patch came out
funny or not.  When I first made the patch with the instructions at
http://ganglia.info/developers/, a reapplication on a clean slate
thought that my patch was reversed -- so I remade the patch the other
way around (not to mention the fact that all the "changed" lines were
prefixed with a "!" mark, which confuddled me, but I'm a first-timer
with diff & cvs).

Any comments would be greatly valued.  Thanks in advance for your time.

 - Just my two cents
 - No man is an island, and no man is unable.

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