Dear all:

I've been talking to people on and off about doing a web frontend
re-write, in fact I have been thinking about it since almost three
years ago when I started the "wishlist" thread:

I've managed to gather a group of developers and users who are
interested in this re-write effort and we are planning to have a
discussion forum on #ganglia on 10/13/2010 (next
Wednesday) from 9-10am PDT.

I would like to extend this invitation to anybody interested in participating.

Here's the agenda:

Introductions: Briefly introduce yourself

Discussion points:
- Use case of Ganglia
- Language: PHP? Ruby on Rails? Framework?
- Technologies: graphite, canvas, SVG, javascriptrrd, flot, jQuery, node.js
- Modular by design, extensible by users
- State: Login, different views for administrator, managers, operators
- Browsing (server-side) vs Customization/Interactive mode (client-side)
- Customization: custom graphs, overlay graphs, compare arbitrary graphs
- Interactivity: Allow users to interact with graphs, zoom in/out, etc.
- Allow arbitrary grouping of hosts
- URL pretty names: eg.
- Flexible URL API for graph generation (turn legends on/off, titles,
height, width, etc.)
- Metric query backend (JSON?)
- Search for host/metric/graphs (aka Ganglia Instant)
- Identified by unique identifiers (as opposed to hostnames)
- New logos, icons, etc.

Hope to see you all there.



Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2 & L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today.
Ganglia-developers mailing list

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