>>> On 7/22/2009 at 3:02 PM, in message
<20090722210201.gm14...@alcatraz.americas.sgi.com>, Martin Hicks <m...@sgi.com>

> I have a situation where there is already a mechanism that is collecting
> metrics on a compute host in a cluster (Performance Co-Pilot) and
> pushing them up to the head node.
> I was wondering if is possible to write a Python metric module that
> could replace the core set of metrics that gmond usually collects on the
> compute node, and instead grab the data from PCP that is running on the
> head node.
> Are there any real differences between the metrics that are normally
> collected by gmond, and those user-defined metrics collected by a Python
> module?
> The goal is to not have to double collect these metrics on each compute
> host.

There isn't any difference other than the fact that the core metrics are 
implemented in C based modules rather than python.  If you wanted to replace 
some of the core metrics, you could do it by simply not loading the metric 
module that implements the set of core metrics that you want to replace.  Then 
reimplement the core metrics with the same metric names and definitions but as 
python modules.  You can tell which metric module loads which metrics by 
starting gmond with a -m parameter.  With the -m parameter, gmond will list all 
of the metrics that it will collect along with the module that implements the 


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