We have Ganglia up and running for a couple of months and now installed gmetad 0.1.1 (tried both rpm and from source) but now I am having problems with running the gmetad script through Perl. Just starting the gmetad fails with

  Not enough arguments for mkdir at sbin/gmetad line 312, near "$dir)"
  Execution of sbin/gmetad aborted due to compilation errors.

If I add a "0777" to the mkdir line (which, strangely enough, should not be necessary according to the Perl docs, though) the script starts but fails during the socket operations. The log file says

Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at sbin/gmetad line 259. Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at sbin/gmetad line 525.

It looks like Perl expects some kind of file-descriptor-like identifier rather than a variable in some places here. If I again replace the respective parts with what I think is correct ;-) the deamon runs but doesn't do any output to rrd.

We use Perl 5.005_03.  Any idea what is going wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Henry Leyh

Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik - Bereich Stellaratortheorie
Greifswald - Germany

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