Douse the Fire!


[ THURSDAY, JUNE 03, 2004 12:34:23 AM ]

Even as homosexuality is coming out of the closet, male attitudes towards lesbianism remain flaccid 

Woman on top might be the favoured position but two women with each other? Naah, says the Indian male. Even as homosexuality is slowly coming out of the closet, attitudes towards lesbianism haven't changed. 

Ishaa Koppikar and Amrita Arora relive their Girlfriend act for Bombay Times . Will male attitudes towards lesbians ever change?

Even among the champagne-swilling chatterati, where alternative sexual preferences are greeted with nothing more than a mwah-mwah, gay frat-bondings are viewed with more acceptance than lesbian couplings, once you push away the politically correct veneer that most profess to.

 Ad man Prahlad Kakar, never one to mince words, goes for the jugular: "Most men a lesbian as a threat to their manhood." Why? "It's simple. Men think like this: here I am, horny and ready to go — and she decides to choose another woman?" He puts it down to the rapidly changing profile of women in terms of personal and professional growth. "Women are modifying their roles in careers, sexuality and relationships faster than men, who just can't deal with it." 

As for the bourgeoisie, forget about acceptance, turning a blind eye is more the norm. In  India, consensual same-sex unions are regarded as a crime, according to Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. Legalising same-sex marriages in India is a long way off as the government doesn't even acknowledge same-sex relationships, say members of the community. Landlords, who normally shy away from renting flats to unmarried heterosexual couples, have no such qualms when it comes to two women sharing a flat — primarily because they don't view them as lesbians. 

'Two women together are a fantasy for every man — when he sees himself between them'

-Prahlad Kakar

"The middle classes are never OK with people expressing their feelings differently," says model-actor Milind Soman who adds that he had enough time to adjust to accepting individuals with different sexual preferences. "It's worse for women who are regarded as the 'stable' forces of the family and when they express their sexuality away from the norm, they face tremendous opposition." 

If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, they could be forgiven for their hostility towards alien invasion, but cherchez la femme for some more startling facts. Geeta Kumana, of the Aanchal Trust, recounts instances where even women have been uncomfortable when they find out she's a lesbian. The reason being, they still look at the dating game with the wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am caveman mentality. "They are uncomfortable because they believe that I would follow the rules of attraction just like a man would, ie, go after every other woman! That is so wrong because I would be attracted to a person for a certain reason, not every woman who walks by," she asserts. Then there are others who need to address their sexual issues. "Some women are uncomfortable with lesbians because they too are secretly lesbian and find it difficult to come out." 

But in the midst of all the sh-sh-shushing of lesbianism, that eternal conundrum still exists. It's Friends character Joey's not-so-secret dream and every man's fantasy — two women going at it! Model Upen Patel, who was present at the Bombay Times photoshoot for this story, admits that watching girlfriend Amrita Arora and Ishaa Koppikar simulate their sensuous sorority was "quite a turn-on" — a sentiment echoed by most men. Why? Not quantum physics, once you understand how the male mind works, says Prahlad. "Two women together are a fantasy for every man — when he sees himself in between them!"


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