The Disability, Sexuality and Rights Online Training


For an application and brochure with complete course information, click here
<> . Applications are due December 18,


An Online Course for Practitioners and Activists in Human Rights, Public
Health and Development Organizations and Movements


February 1 - April 1, 2010     (9 weeks, 5 hours per week)


The Disability, Sexuality and Rights Online Training provides a study of
theory and practice for people working in fields such as development, health
and rights, including disability and sexuality.  The aim is to develop
awareness of issues of disability and sexuality and a political perspective
on disabled people's sexual rights. Participants develop their ability to
work in inclusive and holistic ways that further health and rights.


Why take this course?


*       Disabled people are often excluded or discriminated against in
relation to their sexuality by health, development and rights organizations
because they are not considered sexual or they are thought to be vulnerable
or uncontrolled sexually.  


*       Disability rights activists and service providers often disregard
sexuality issues and rights in favor of issues considered more pressing and
appropriate like employment and physical access.


*       Sexuality is an important part of life, identity, society and
culture for all people, including people with disabilities.  It can be a
source of pleasure and pain, empowerment and oppression.  It cannot be


Key Questions and Content


*       What is disability? What is sexuality? 
*       What do human rights have to do with disability and sexuality?
*       Why are disabled people discriminated against in relation to
*       Why is sexuality important to everyone, including disabled people?
Why is sexuality important for health, development and rights organizations
to consider?
*       How does the experience and politics of disability in the global
South impact theory and practice on disability rights? How are people
organizing and campaigning around these issues?
*       How can we advance the rights, health and well-being of people with




People with disabilities are encouraged to apply for this training, which
has been designed and tested to be accessible to people with various
disabilities and those with slower computers and internet connection speeds.
We will work with participants to adapt the course as necessary to meet
needs and enable full participation.


Format and Workload


The course will be conducted entirely online in English with presentations,
reading, discussion, research, activities and a final project.  Special
technology is not required, except a computer that can read Microsoft Word
and Power Point documents and with Adobe Reader. Also required is internet
access to download/upload documents and comments for 20-30 minutes, 2-3
times a week throughout the course.  The Institute will not be done in real
time; participants can complete the assignments at their convenience within
the time parameters.  


Organizers and Resource People


This training is organized and taught by an international group of academics
and activists in the disability rights field who specialize in sexual and
reproductive rights and health from a global South perspective: Anita Ghai
(India), Caroline Earle (USA), Ekaete Judith Umoh (Nigeria), and Janet Price
(UK). Full bios in brochure at


For an application and brochure with complete course information, click
<>  here. Applications are due December 18,


For more information, contact Caroline Earle (;




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