*You are cordially invited to*

*Sunday High, 9 May 2010*

*Outrage - Do Ask. Do Tell.*


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Bombay Dost proudly presents one of the most powerful documentaries made

*Outrage *(2009)

90 min

Directed by Kirby Dick

Academy Award nominated filmmaker Kirby Dick delivers a searing indictment
of the hypocrisy of American closeted politicians who actively campaign
against the LGBT community they covertly belong to. OUTRAGE boldly reveals
the hidden lives of some of USA's most powerful policymakers, details the
harm they've inflicted on millions of Americans, and examines the media's
complicity in keeping their secrets.

Some of the mainstream media's reactions to the film underline one of the
messages of the film: how the media is biased in reporting on gay issues and
closeted gay personalities. Film critics responded to Outrage with positive
reviews, praising it for its boldness and its solid journalism. *The San
Francisco Chronicle*'s Jonathan Curiel described it as “essential viewing”.

*From the Chicago

Scathingly and salaciously entertaining. No politician who's ever been poked
by a gay rumor is spared, and oh baby, Dick sure is good at poking. The
filmmaker is relentless in indicting a virtual congress of rumored closet
cases, including Florida Governor Charlie Crist, former New York mayor Ed
Koch, California Congressman David Dreier, and, of course, Idaho Senator
Larry Craig, who reportedly bullied a former hook-up into silence by telling
him, "I can buy and sell your ass a thousand times." Dick tracks down
alleged ex-lovers, ex-wives, ex-everyone, who drop bomb after bomb,
including one source that claims former Louisiana Congressman Jim McCrery
used a college fraternity to recruit sexual partners. Binding it all
together are acute interviews with an elite punditry—Larry Kramer, Hilary
Rosen, Congressman Barney Frank, former governor Jim McGreevey—who comment
on a kind of legislative gay bashing that permeates today's political
culture, and how that reflects on the self-loathing politicians who get off
on it.

*Here's the trailer of the film* from YouTube (or go to
http://www.outragethemovie.com/ to watch it)


*Time:* 5.30 pm to 8 pm.

*Venue:* The Humsafar Trust's Drop-in Centre, 4th floor, Municipal Transit
Building (Vakola Municipal Market Building), Near Raheja Point and Vakola
Masjid, Santacruz (East), Mumbai.

*Getting there:* It's approximately minimum fare by auto-rickshaw from
Santacruz station (East). You could also take routes 311 or 313. The same
routes also operate from Kurla (West) station..

*Space courtesy:* The Humsafar Trust.

Note: Programme subject to change without notice in unavoidable

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